#61.1: Oral Nasal Respiratory.
Reconstruction | Description |
PU-QAKI | Spit out, belch, vomit |
PUKU.3 | Hold something in mouth (Rby) |
PUSAKE | Belch, eructate |
PUSI.1 | To blow (with the mouth); expel, spit out; spout (as a whale); smoke (tobacco); shoot (with gun) |
PUUPUU.1 | Rinse the mouth, gargle |
QANU.3 | To spit, expectorate; spit, saliva |
QEMO | Lick |
QEPO | Lick |
QUTI.1 | Bite |
SAA.1 | Breathe |
SAAMAMA | Gape, yawn |
SAPOTU | To pant |
SEE.3 | Breath (as held or expended) |
SELA | Asthma; gasp for breath |
SOMO.4 | Suck fingers |
SONI.B | Nibble |
SUGU | Sniff, smell *(s,t)ugu |
SUQA-WALE | Expectorate, spittle |
TA-ILI | To fan; to blow |
TALE | Cough: *ta(l,r)e |
TISE | Sneeze |
TOGI.1B | Peck, nibble |
TOKO-MAHURU | Hiccough |
TOQO.2 | Belch |
TUFA.2 | Spit |
TUGU.1 | Cough |
UQU | Bite; pinch, hold fast (between two things) (Ebt) |
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