#72: Size and Shape.

Reconstruction Description
POKA.2 Large, swollen
POTO.1 Short
PUU.2 Hole; perforated, punctured, holed
QITI Small
QUKE Many, large
RIKI Small
ROFE Bend, droop (Rby)
SAGA.2 To be forked; forked or branching object
SAKO Straight, erect
SAPA Non-symmetrical, unequal, passed beyond point of symmetry
SAPE.B Crooked, wrong
SIPA.2 Oblique, awry
TAKO.3 High, upright
TAMA.1B Small, a small thing
TAUPE Hang, droop, bend down: *(ta(a))upe
TIKA.B Straight, correct, true
TIKE.1B Lofty, high, exalted, elevated
TIQI Small

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