Protoform: TIKE.1B [EC] Lofty, high, exalted, elevated

Description: Lofty, high, exalted, elevated
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to EC: Ellicean

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Kiʔe(kiʔe) High, lofty, important, exalted (Pki)
Mangareva Teki/teki Endroit élevé, siège élevé; élévation, monticule. High up, raised; the height of a place; a small hill (Tgr). Phonologically Irregular (Rch)
Mangareva Tike/tike Elévation, monticule (Rch)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Tike/tike High, height (Sve)
Marquesas Tiketike (MQN), tiʔetiʔe (MQS) Elevé, haut, éminent, escarpé; exhausser, exalter (Lch)
Marquesas Haʔa/tike/tike (Ua Pou haka-) Vaniteux, vain (Chf)
Moriori Tchi/tike, tiki/tiki High, height (Shd)
New Zealand Maori Tiketike Lofty, high, important, exalted (Wms)
Niue Tike To be protruding, to stick out (of teeth) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
Pukapuka Tiketike High, height Problematic (Bge)
Rarotongan Tike High, elevated, lofty, tall (Sve)
Sikaiana Tike/tike Lofty, elevated (Sps)
Takuu T/tike (of a smell, steam, etc.) Diffuse through the air, spread, rise Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)
Tuamotu Tike To be raised, elevated, high (Stn)

14 entries found

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