#54: Thought and Knowledge.

Reconstruction Description
AKO Learn, teach
AKO-NAKI Teach, instruct
FAA-ITE.B To make like, compare
FAA-ITE.C To measure
FAAITO Measure, weigh
FAKA-KAU Consider carefully: *fakakau(kau)
FAKA-LESI Deceive; *faka(le)lesi
FAKA-MASARA Remember, call to mind
FAKA-PAPA.A Pile in layers; arrange or recite in order
FAKA-QATU.B Think about, be concerned with, worried about
FAKA-QUTA Consider, reflect on
FAKA-SAA To show
FATU-AKI Begin weaving; plan
FE-QILO-AKI See or know one another
FUA.1A Weigh, measure; size
FULI-FULI Discuss, turn over in the mind
GALO-POO-INA Forget, be forgotten
KA-KAFI Capable, knowledgable, skilful (Hwd.1981)
LAPAKAU Skilled, knowledgeable; an expert (Clk)
LAU.2A Speak formally; mention, enumerate, recite; count; read
MA-RAMA.C Enlightened; to know, understand; intelligent
MA-SANI Accustomed to, familiar with
MA-TALA.B Clear (of mind); understood
MAA-TAU Know, understand
MAA-TINO Be realised, known, determined: *maa-(s,t)ino
MAATAI Skilled, expert
MAMAIA Deluded, senseless
MANATU Remember, think of
MASALA Be clever, know
MASALO.A Think about, consider, suspect
MASARA Recollect, think about
MAULU (To go or come) secretly, unobserved, unnoticed
NIMO.1 Vanish, forget
OFO.B Be surprised, amazed, startled; greet someone who has just appeared
PAU.2 Count
PIKO.C To think, speak or act in a wrong, false or negative way
POTO.2 Wise, clever
QAMANAKI Hope, expect, prepare (for)
QATAMAI.A Intelligent, expert, clever
QUTA.2 To consider, deliberate on
RAGA Search
SANI.3 Know well; be familiar with
SANO Suspect, think about
SEE.4 Seek, search for
SIQAGA Mentally deficient
TAU.1 Skilful at, familiar with; suitable, fitting
TAU.3 Count, tell; read (Ebt) *(ta)tau
TEQE-AGA Careless, inattentive; common

54 entries found