#54: Thought and Knowledge.
Reconstruction | Description |
AKO | Learn, teach |
AKO-NAKI | Teach, instruct |
FAA-ITE.B | To make like, compare |
FAA-ITE.C | To measure |
FAAITO | Measure, weigh |
FAKA-KAU | Consider carefully: *fakakau(kau) |
FAKA-LESI | Deceive; *faka(le)lesi |
FAKA-MASARA | Remember, call to mind |
FAKA-MATALA | Explain |
FAKA-PAPA.A | Pile in layers; arrange or recite in order |
FAKA-QATU.B | Think about, be concerned with, worried about |
FAKA-QUTA | Consider, reflect on |
FAKA-SAA | To show |
FATU-AKI | Begin weaving; plan |
FE-QILO-AKI | See or know one another |
FUA.1A | Weigh, measure; size |
FULI-FULI | Discuss, turn over in the mind |
GALO-POO-INA | Forget, be forgotten |
KA-KAFI | Capable, knowledgable, skilful (Hwd.1981) |
LAPAKAU | Skilled, knowledgeable; an expert (Clk) |
LAU.2A | Speak formally; mention, enumerate, recite; count; read |
MA-RAMA.C | Enlightened; to know, understand; intelligent |
MA-SANI | Accustomed to, familiar with |
MA-TALA.B | Clear (of mind); understood |
MAA-TAU | Know, understand |
MAA-TINO | Be realised, known, determined: *maa-(s,t)ino |
MAATAI | Skilled, expert |
MAMAIA | Deluded, senseless |
MANATU | Remember, think of |
MASALA | Be clever, know |
MASALO.A | Think about, consider, suspect |
MASARA | Recollect, think about |
MAULU | (To go or come) secretly, unobserved, unnoticed |
NIMO.1 | Vanish, forget |
OFO.B | Be surprised, amazed, startled; greet someone who has just appeared |
PAU.2 | Count |
PIKO.C | To think, speak or act in a wrong, false or negative way |
POTO.2 | Wise, clever |
QAMANAKI | Hope, expect, prepare (for) |
QATAMAI.A | Intelligent, expert, clever |
QILO-A | Know |
QUTA.2 | To consider, deliberate on |
RAGA | Search |
SANI.3 | Know well; be familiar with |
SANO | Suspect, think about |
SEE.4 | Seek, search for |
SIQAGA | Mentally deficient |
TAU.1 | Skilful at, familiar with; suitable, fitting |
TAU.3 | Count, tell; read (Ebt) *(ta)tau |
TEQE-AGA | Careless, inattentive; common |
54 entries found