#52: Will and Ability - Morality.

Reconstruction Description
FAKA-LOTOLOTO-RUA Uncertain, of two minds
FAKA-MAU Persist
FAKA-SESEE Lead astray: *faka-(se)see
FAKA-TULI To act as though deaf; disobey
FAKA-TURI Sexual immorality
FAKA-UMI-UMI Reluctant
FE-QAU-QAKI Have illicit sex
FE-TOKAKI Vacillate: *fe-to(o)kaki
FILI.1 Select, choose
FINA-GALO Desire; heart
FITA.2 Eager, determined; to make an effort
GAFUA Free, easy, permitted
HOFI Desire, yearn for
HOLI Desire, long for
KAMI.2 To desire something
KANO.2 Unwilling, reluctant
KAWE.3 Persist
KETA.* Tight, stiff; be stubborn
KINAU Persist against something: *ki(i)nau
KOLO.2 Intend, desire
KUHA Long for someone: *ku(f,s)a
LOTU.3 Persevere
MAKUTU Diligent (Ply)
MANAKO To desire
MIGAO Respectful
MINA Desire
MOKO.2 Desire (Clk): *moko(i)
MORI.B Want, desire
MULU.2 Reluctant, recalcitrant
NAA.2 Respectful; hesitant
PAKE Obstinate; deceive
POLE.A Desire
QAAWAGA.B Succubus, erotic dream; infatuation, obsession
QAPA Show respect
SAKE.2 Behave in unseemly or unrestrained way
TOKAGA Be diligent, apply oneself
WALA.1 To desire, want

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