Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
GATAQA Difficult
GATATA Rattle, jingle, rustle
GATETE Shake, tremble, be mobile: *gate(e)te(e)
FU GATO.* Used up, finished
GATOLO.1 Creep
GATOLO.2 A repetitive sound (e.g. rattle, of surf)
GATU.1 Barkcloth that has been used
GATU.2 Bulrush (Scirpus sp.): *ga(a)tu
GATU.3 Crush, mash
GAU Chew in order to extract juice, as sugar-cane; bite
GEE Squealing or screeching sound
GEEGEE Shrub sp
GEGE Weary
LO GELI Monkey
GEQE Obese
GERE Needy, deprived of
GETI.1 Remove with teeth
GETI.2 A marine creature
GETI.3 Tree sp. (perhaps Manilkara dissecta): *geti(i)
GIGIE Coastal shrub or small tree sp. (Pemphis acidula) (Clk)
GIGILA Shine, glitter
LO GIGITA Papaw: *(g,n)i(g,n)ita
GII Shrill sound
TO GINI Gentle rain
GOGO.1 Noddy (Anous sp.) (Clk)
GOGO.2 To suck liquid from a container
GOGO.3 Weak, wasted away
GOGO.4 Hollow sound (gurgling, snoring)
GOIO.1A Common noddy (Anous stolidus) (Clk): *go(o)io
GOIO.1B Whistling sound
GOLO Snore-like noise
GORO Feast
GORU Soft, slack, yielding
GOSE Soft, pliable, weak; gentle, agreeable
GOTO To be deep, sink
GUGU.1 Munch or crunch food
GUGU.2 Rheumatism, arthritis
GULU Grunt, rumble
GUTU-FARE Relatives
GUTU-KAO A porpoise or perhaps a shark
GUTU-LEI Booby (Sula sp.)
GUTU-LIMU Fish sp., possibly parrotfish
CK GUTU-PAA Doorway, entrance: *ngutupaa ~ *nguutupa
GUTU.A Mouth, lip, beak, orifice

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