Protoform: FAI.3A [PN] Be, happen, exist

Description: Be, happen, exist
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Pai Occur (Fbg)
East Futuna Fai Se dérouler; avoir lieu (Mfr)
Nuguria Hai Be (somewhere), be there (Dvl)
Nukumanu Hai Exist (Trt)
Rennellese Hai Act as, represent; transform into or become; to constitute, serve as (Ebt)
Samoan Fai (ma) To become, to be instead of (Prt)
Takuu Fai Exist (Hwd)
Tokelau Fai Be on, be underway, be in progress (Sma)
Tongan Fai Be going on (Cwd)

9 entries found

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