Protoform: FAKA-QAFU-OLA [PN] A month name (probably late summer): *fakaqafu(h,q)ola

Description: A month name (probably late summer): *fakaqafu(h,q)ola
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 << PN *faka-qafu.2, *ola.1 "alive"
*8 Note. EFU not attested by (Bgs),

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Fakaafuola Treizième lunaison futunienne (Vents diminuants); mois de février; February (Burrows); third month (Gzl)
East Uvea Fakafuola A month name "the plants grow fast" (Burrows quoting Henquel) (Rch)
East Uvea Fakaʔafuola Saison de l'année selon les calendries traditionnel (avril-mai); l'epoque ou les plantes poussants vite (Rch)
Tongan Faka-ʔafu-moʔui Fifth month in the old calendar Problematic (Grn)
Tongan Fucca-afoo-möoói The name of the tenth lunar month (Mar)

5 entries found

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