Protoform: FARO.1 [EO] Scrape, rub

Description: Scrape, rub
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to EO: Eastern Oceanic

*3 PEO *paro(s) "chafe (skin); scrape" (LPO I:165,242).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Fijian Varo File, saw, rasp (Cpl)
Hawaiian Halo Rub, polish (Pki)
Marquesas Haʔo (MQN), faʔo (MQS) Se mettre en colere, se fâcher, se formaliser Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lch)
New Zealand Maori Haro Scrape (Wms)
New Zealand Maori Wharo Scrape (Wms)
Tahitian Faro To be anxiously waiting or expecting Borrowed Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)

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