Protoform: FONO.2B [XW] Judgment, decision (of assembly), rule, instruction

Description: Judgment, decision (of assembly), rule, instruction
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to XW: West Polynesia (TON,NIU,EUV,EFU,SAM,TOK,TUV,NFO)

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Fono Consigne imposée aux gens (Mfr)
East Uvea Fono/ʔi, (obs.) fono/si Prendre une décision, réglementer, régler (Rch)
East Uvea Fono/fono Complot; comploter (Rch)
Marquesas Hono Cri que pousse le tuhuka dans certains circonstances; cri en unison poussé par l'assemblée Problematic (Lch)
Niue Fono To place a taboo, to prohibit (Sph)
Rennellese Hono/hono To fetch, send for Uncertain Semantic Connection (Egt)
Tahitian Hono/a An agreement, a plot (Dvs)
Tongan Fono-si To give strict or solemn instructions; to charge, command, direct, enjoin (Cwd)

8 entries found

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