Protoform: KAHORE [CE] Negative marker: *ka(a)(h)ore

Description: Negative marker: *ka(a)(h)ore
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

*0 << CE *ka-kore
*0 >> CK *kaare

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Aitutaki Kaaʔore No! (Bse)
Mangaia ʔAaore, kaore None, nothing (Sta)
New Zealand Maori Kaahore No, not; on the contrary (Wms)
New Zealand Maori Kaaore No, not; but, however; expressing surprise, admiration, distress, etc. 'how great!' (Wms)
Tahitian ʔAore Il n'y en a pas; marque de la négation au passé et au présent, peu usitée (Lmt)
Tuamotu Kaaore No, not; Intj. expressing amazement, surprise, superlativeness (Stn)

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