Protoform: KUKU.3 [OC] Strip off, as leaves, bark

Description: Strip off, as leaves, bark
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to OC: Oceanic

*1 Cf. PN *kuku.2 "mussel sp."
*4 POC *(ku)kus(i) "scrape, grate" (Fwt. 1983).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Fijian Ququ Dragged along, as anchor over a sandy bottom (Cpl)
Hawaiian ʔUʔu To strip, as leaves or maile bark; to unsheath, as a sword; to masturbate (Pki)
Marquesas Kuku To scutch (escanguer); prepare strips of pandanus for mats, hibiscus bark for cord. Raboter; écanguer, séparer; outil pour raboter, planer; rabot, varlope (Lch). (Dln)
Tikopia Kuku To grate (turmeric) (Fth)
Tokelau Kuku An implement for slitting pandanus leaves (for weaving) (Sma)

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