Protoform: MAATA-GA [PN] Worth looking at; to view something worth looking at (Rby)

Description: Worth looking at; to view something worth looking at (Rby)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 << PN *mata.1e "look", *-ga

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Maataga Voir une curiosité (Gzl)
Niue Mataga Look-out point (at the verge of high places, such as cliffs) (Sph)
Pukapuka Maatanga/leka Outstanding; clear, in full view (Sby)
Rennellese Maatanga To look; visitors, sight-seers, spectators (Ebt)
Tongan Maatanga Something well worth looking at; a beauty spot (Cwd)

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