Protoform: MANATAA [CE] Troubled, worried, annoyed

Description: Troubled, worried, annoyed
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Manakaa Boresome, tiresome, dull, monotonous, wearied, wearisome, uninteresting; bored, uninterested (Pki)
Mangaia Manataa Busy, troubled, worried (Sta)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Mana/manataa Problem (Osn)
Penrhyn Mana/manataa Trouble, concern, anxiety, worry (Sta)
Rarotongan Manataa Bothered, troubled, worried, beset with difficulties or tasks, busy (Bse)
Rarotongan Taa/manataa Annoy, irritate (Bse)

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