Protoform: PEKE.1A [TA] Ascend, climb, leap

Description: Ascend, climb, leap
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to TA: Tahitic

*1 Cf. EP *piki.1b

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Pek/ake To climb Problematic (Fbg)
Easter Island Peke (Of fish or lobster) to bite the hook Problematic (Fts)
Moriori Peke Leap (Shd)
New Zealand Maori Peke Spring, leap, jump upwards (Bgs)
Penrhyn Peke Climb; ride piggy-back (Sta)
Rarotongan Peke Go up, mount up; ascend, rise (Sve)
Rarotongan Peke Clamber (Bse)
Tuamotu Peke To leap, bound, jump (Stn)

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