Protoform: QATI.2 [SO] Spread news, tell

Description: Spread news, tell
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to SO: Samoic-Outlier Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Ati To call, refer to as; to be called (Fbg)
Easter Island ʔAti Guess (Wbr)
Nukuoro Adi Relate news or gossip (Crl)
Nukuoro Adi longo Tattle (Crl)
Rennellese ʔAti gongo Tell (Ebt)
Sikaiana Ati lono Spread the news (Dnr)
Tikopia Ati Suppose, allege, hold, think, affirm; call, term, name (Fth)

7 entries found

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