Protoform: WAO-MATUQA [PN] Virgin forest, old-growth forest

Description: Virgin forest, old-growth forest
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 < PN *wao, *matuqa

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Vao matuʔa Reste de forêt ancienne à l'intérieur de Futuna (Mfr)
Hawaiian Wao akua A distant mountain region, believed inhabited only by spirits; desert, wilderness Problematic (Pki)
Niue Vao-motua The original dense forest, virgin bush (McE)
Rennellese Bao ʔatua Bush, jungle; tangled, rocky forest with its mischievous supernaturals (lit. useless forest) Problematic (Ebt)
Rennellese Bao matuʔa Fallow garden older than the tagipou (Ebt)
Rennellese Bao maatuʔa Ancient forests (Ebt)
Samoan Vao matua Dense, thick forest (Prt)
Tikopia Vao matua Mature fallow plot (Fth)

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