Aitutaki entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
CE.FAATOO | Too | Fight, strike, beat, ravish, rape Problematic | (Bse) |
CE.KAHORE | Kaaʔore | No! | (Bse) |
CE.KATAU.* | Katau | Right (direction) | (Bck) |
CE.KATI-REHE | Katiree | The throat | (Bck) |
CE.KAU-RIMA | Kaurima | Fire-plough | (Bck) |
EP.KAA-WIRI | Kaaviri | Make into a bunch, cluster | (Bse) |
PN.KOLI.1B | Koni | Dance | (Bse) |
NP.INAKI | Iniki | A horizontal pole on either side fastened to the lower end of the kaho on their upper or outer side Problematic | (Bck) |
PN.LOHOLOHO | Rooroo | The spadix of coconut palm | (Bse) |
??.LULU.1B | Ruru | Albatross, say some, White Heron say others (Gill 1876, p.149) | (???) |
TA.MATUKU.B | Matuku | A heron being atttacked by a snake that is killed by Rata | (Bwh) |
EO.MAUII | Mauii | Left (not right) | (Bse) |
CE.NII-KAU | Niikau | Coconut frond | (Bse) |
CE.NONO.2* | Nano | (Morinda citrifolia) Phonologically Irregular | (Whr) |
CE.POO-FATU.1* | Pohatu | Stone | (Bck) |
EP.POO-TAKA | Pootaka | Spinning top, teetotum | (Bse) |
NP.SAUMI.2 | Aumihi (vaka) | Bow (of canoe) | (Bck) |
NP.TAALAWA | Tarava | Cross-pieces that support the kaho | (Bck) |
18 entries found