Aitutaki entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.FAATOO Too Fight, strike, beat, ravish, rape Problematic (Bse)
CE.KAHORE Kaaʔore No! (Bse)
CE.KATAU.* Katau Right (direction) (Bck)
CE.KATI-REHE Katiree The throat (Bck)
CE.KAU-RIMA Kaurima Fire-plough (Bck)
EP.KAA-WIRI Kaaviri Make into a bunch, cluster (Bse)
PN.KOLI.1B Koni Dance (Bse)
NP.INAKI Iniki A horizontal pole on either side fastened to the lower end of the kaho on their upper or outer side Problematic (Bck)
PN.LOHOLOHO Rooroo The spadix of coconut palm (Bse)
??.LULU.1B Ruru Albatross, say some, White Heron say others (Gill 1876, p.149) (???)
TA.MATUKU.B Matuku A heron being atttacked by a snake that is killed by Rata (Bwh)
EO.MAUII Mauii Left (not right) (Bse)
CE.NII-KAU Niikau Coconut frond (Bse)
CE.NONO.2* Nano (Morinda citrifolia) Phonologically Irregular (Whr)
CE.POO-FATU.1* Pohatu Stone (Bck)
EP.POO-TAKA Pootaka Spinning top, teetotum (Bse)
NP.SAUMI.2 Aumihi (vaka) Bow (of canoe) (Bck)
NP.TAALAWA Tarava Cross-pieces that support the kaho (Bck)

18 entries found