Reconstruction Level: CE - Central-Eastern Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
NIAO Gunwale of canoe, rim, edge (of tool): *ni(i)ao
NIFA.1 Fierce, truculent
NIFI.2 Move stealthily
NII-KAU Coconut frond
NOFA Seabird sp
NOHINOHI Small, short
NOKE.* Earthworm
NONE Excess, surfeit
NONO.2* A shrub (Morinda citrifolia)
NUKA.2 Layered
NUMI.2* Disappear
OFA Greeting
OGAOGA Biting insect, such as midge, louse
OI.4 Petrel sp
ONI.* Wriggle, copulate
OTI-RA That's all
PAE.1B Row, barrier, side
PAFA.* Perhaps
PA-FORE Skinned, peeled
PAHORO A fish: *pa(f,s)oro
PAGO.1 Black
PAI.2 Plant sp
PAIRUA Nausea; feeling of disgust
PAKA-KINA Make a cracking sound
PAAKANI To compete
PAA-KEKE To remove skin, bark by scraping, peeling: *paa-ke(e)ke(e)
PAKEWA.1 Not straight; in error
PAA-KIRA Bare, bald
PAA-KOTI Cut (as with scissors)
PAKOU Fish spp
PARAGIA Overcome by drowsiness
PAA-RARA Expose to heat, toast
PARATA Shark sp
PARORO Dearth, scarcity
PARU.1 Ground-bait, fish intestines
PARU.2 Soft, weak
PAA-RURU Curtain, screen
PANA.1B Throb
PANAU A type of movement
PANI.2 Block up
PAA-PAKA.* Crab: *pa(k)a-paka
PAAPUU Level, clear, flat; sure, certain
PAA-SAKA A gourd or calabash
PAA-SERE.1 Remove skin, pare, peel
PAA-SII.2 Flow, splash: *paasii(sii)
PASU.1B Drum n

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