Reconstruction Level: CE - Central-Eastern Polynesian
Reconstruction | Description |
KUUFAA | Thigh |
KUKA.2 | |
KUUKUPA | Fruit dove (Ptilinopus sp.) (Clk) |
KURIRI.* | Wandering Tattler (Tringa incana) |
KURIO | Dog |
KUMU.1* | Express, wring out; clench fist |
KAE | Saliva, drool |
KUPE | |
KUUPEE | Mucus |
KUTU-PAPA | Crab louse (Pthirus pubis) |
IHE | Spear, dart |
INA-FEA | When? (past) |
I-NANAFI | Yesterday |
I-NAPOO | Last night |
I-OO | In, within, at (locative particle); at the home or place of |
IPO | Lover |
ISO.* | Pith, core; umbilical cord |
RAFIRAFI | Temple, of head: *rafi-rafi(-ga) |
RAGATIRA | Chief of secondary status |
RAGI-AATEA | Placename |
RAKO | Light-coloured, pale |
RARE.A | Have speech impediment, speak indistinctly |
RATO | Covered; abundant |
RAUKA | Get |
RAU-MATI | Fair weather (Clk) |
REFA | Look askance |
REFUA | A star name, perhaps Antares (Mkn) and month name, December, January |
REHO | Tiger cowrie (Maurea sp.) |
REIRA | There (a place already mentioned) |
REREIOGA | Fish sp |
REMU.1 | Buttocks |
RETO | An aquatic plant: *ret(o,u) |
RIO.1 | Wither |
RIO.2 | Banana variety |
ROO.2 | Stick-insect or earwig |
ROAKA | Obtained |
ROFEROFE | Insect larvae |
ROGO.2 | A night or series of two nights in the latter part of the lunar calendar |
ROKI | Bed, couch |
ROKO-HIA | Overtaken, reached, overcome: *roko-(f,s)ia |
ROOPAA | Subordinate person or group |
ROTO-PUU | Middle, amongst, between |
ROTU.2 | Heavy rain |
RUAHINE | Old woman: *ru(w)ahine |
POU.2 | To lower the head, plunge headlong |
RUFI.2 | Weak, tired, exhausted: *ru(f,s)i |
RUHIA | Type of shark |
MA-INAINA | Angered, annoyed |
MAKERE | Fall, drop: *mak(e,i)r(e,i) |
MAA-KUU | Damp: *ma(a)kuu |
620 entries found