Reconstruction Level: CE - Central-Eastern Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
SAMO Sweet-potato variety
SAPUU Pregnant: *sapu(q)u
SEA.3 To mourn the dead
SERU Scratch the earth, as a fowl does, scrape, dig
SIGA.B Be defeated
SIKU.B Tail of fish
SISI.4 Ray of sunlight
SIWA.2 Black
SIWI.* Ridge of hill
SOO-.1 To give, transfer from one person to another
SORA (Tephrosia purpurea), a plant used to poison fish: *(f,s)ora
HOROEKA A tree: *(f, s)oro(w)eka
SORU To be disturbed (of emotions, of water)
SOPII Weak, infirm : *(f, s)opii
TAFAKURA Dream, a dream (perhaps of a sensual nature)
TAA-FERA Be spread out: *ta(a)-fera
TAA-FERO. A tree or shrub
TAAFIRI.* To fan (and similar actions: dust, sweep, wave)
TAFITI.1 Tahiti
TAFITO.B Ancient, old
TAHUTI Rotten (Clk)
TAGAROA A series of nights of the lunar cycle, waning moon
TAINOKA A plant (Cassytha filiformis)
TAI-PII High tide
TA-ITI Young male child
TAKA-AANINI Be dizzy, experience vertigo
TAKAO Speech
TAKA-PUNI Go around, surround *taka-p(i,u)ni
TAAKEKE Type of net
TAA-KIRI Whip, flog; take or strike suddenly
TAKO.3 High, upright
TAKU.2 My (neutral category of possession)
TAA-REFU Obscure, obscured (by atmospheric conditions)
TANA.B Third person singular neutral possession
TAANE Name of a night in the latter part of the lunar cycle
TANO.1 Correct
TAOGA Treasured possession, especially a garment: *ta(a)oga
TAPA-TAPA.2* Groin, crotch: *tapa(-tapa)
TAA-PEE Cause to ripen or decay
TAA-PEKA Tie, bind
TAA-PIRI Join together, stick together
TAPU-AFI Fireplace
TAPUHI To nurse, tend
TAPUTAPU-ATEA Place name (probably the name of a marae)
TAATUU. Barracuda (Sphyraena sp.)
TAATUA Girdle, belt
TAUIRA Pupil, acolyte
TAU-RUA A double canoe

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