Reconstruction Level: NO - NO

Reconstruction Description
ANAU First person singular personal pronoun (Rby)
KAAPITI.2 Mat woven from coconut fronds
KATA.4 Snake, eel, intestinal worm
LEKIA.* Black Noddy (Anous minutus)
MATA-A-TALA Some part of a house
MINI-MINI Mat for valuables
MOSO.3 Bivalve sp., decorated belt
PA-LALA Black: *quli palala
PAU.2 Count
PULA-PULA.2 Spotted, mottled
SIMU* Triggerfish (Balistidae)
SUNU.1* Oily
TOLOA.C A shorebird (Numenius sp.)
UPU.* Container for liquids, cup
KAI-USU Nose: *us(i,u)
TIKE.2 Turn, rotate
FAKA-PULU Pay attention, be careful, focus on task
TAA.6 Turn, change direction
PA-TAKE Shallow (of container) : *p(a,e)-take
SUGU Sniff, smell *(s,t)ugu
TUU-KAFA Coconut husk fibre ready for making into sennit
FAKAA Coconut husk
TITI-TAI Vine or creeper sp.
TUAA-TOLO Plant sp., vine or creeper
LAPIAO Fish sp.
MAKAKA-TAU Hard, firm
PUULEI Glans penis
SATATA Goatfish sp.
SIMATA Thousand; large number
SISI.6 Insect sp.
SIKI-SIKI Small bird sp.
KAMI.3 Run or walk in a particular way
KUPU.3 South (wind)
LIKI Beat, flog : *(li)liki
MAKINI White: *ma(ki)kini
FULO Go, run (plural)
KINA.4 Place
LUE.2 Type of song or dance
NAPA Ashamed
A-LAA Other(s)
KA-PISI Strike; occur, happen
ISE.2 Shoo away, drive away (fowls etc.)
PUNI.1C Blind
KUNU Shellfish sp.
MATA-KAINA Village, home place
MATA-PUKU Fish sp., trevally

73 entries found