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1651 Results matching "ala" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro PN.TARA Abi/tala The eave of a house
Luangiua PN.TARA Makaa/kala Front of house
Pukapuka PN.TARA Tala Side of house roof
Samoan PN.TARA Tala Rounded end of a Samoan house
Tokelau PN.TARA Tala Gable ends of a traditional house
Samoan SO.TALAE Talae Small mangrove fish (Periophthalmus sp.)
Luangiua SO.TALAFA Kalaha Beard
Luangiua SO.TALAFA Kalake Beard (always in plural) Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.TALAFA Talaha Beard
Samoan SO.TALAFA Talafa Side-whiskers
Sikaiana SO.TALAFA Talaha Beard, chin
West Uvea SO.TALAFA Talafa Barbe; moustache, favoris [Heo Dialect]; menton
East Uvea FJ.TAA-LAFU Talafu Caisse remplie de terre et de cailloux servant de four dans les grandes pirogues d'autrefois
Nuguria FJ.TAA-LAFU Talahu Hearth
Tongan FJ.TAA-LAFU Taalafu Fireplace on canoe or other small vessel
Hawaiian NP.TALAGA Akalana Husband of Hina-a-ke-ahi, mother of Maaui (Beckwith)
Samoan NP.TALAGA Talaga The parent (? father) of Ti`iti`i (Turner 1888:209)
East Futuna OC.TALAI Talai Trim branches off tree
Hawaiian OC.TALAI Kaalai Hew, carve
Kapingamarangi OC.TALAI Dalai Axe; to make a long stroke with an axe or knife
Niue OC.TALAI Talai To carve, chop
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.TALAI Talai Adze, giant clam ; scraper (piece of metal used when making pudding from bananas etc., but not used for coconuts)
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.TALAI Talae Carve
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.TALAI Talai/a Cut (e.g. a tree or some food for distribution in the family or village)
Pukapuka OC.TALAI Talai Hew, carve, shape wood
Samoan OC.TALAI Talai To adze
East Uvea XW.TALAKI Talaki Dire, annoncer
Samoan XW.TALAKI Taalaʔi Proclaim (Prt); preach, propagate, boast, brag (Mnr)
Tongan XW.TALAKI Talaki Announce or make known, especially by going from house to house
Luangiua PN.TAALAKI Kalaʔi. Kaalaʔi (Sar). Open (vt)
Sikaiana PN.TAALAKI Taalaki To open, to be opened
Tongan PN.TAALAKI Taalaki Small fishing-net with two handles
East Futuna PN.TALAKISI Telekisi Fish sp., immature malau . Problematic
East Uvea PN.TALAKISI Talatasi Adioryx furcatus Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka PN.TALAKISI Kiikii wuutalaloa Soldierfish spp. Problematic
Tongan EP.TAARARO Talalo To go about furtively among the people talking about something (especially something bad or suspicious) Problematic
Niue PN.TALA-MEA Talamea Crown-of-thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci)
Pukapuka PN.TALA-MEA Kalamea A sharp-spined starfish (Beaglehole 1938:72) Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.TALA-MEA Alamea Crown-of-thorns Starfish (Acanthaster sp.) Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.TALA-MEA Alamea Crown-of-thorns Starfish Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.TALA-QA-MOA Tala/talaʔamoa Nom d'un arbre (Caesalpinia bonducella)
Hawaiian PN.TALA-QA-MOA Kaakalaioa (Caesalpinia crista) Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.TALA-QA-MOA Talamoa A weed plant (Achyranthes aspera, Amaranthus sp.). (Caesalpinia major) (Sks).
Tongan PN.TALA-QA-MOA Talatalaʔaamoa A bush (Caesalpinia sp.)
Niue PN.TALAAO Talaao Black-tipped grouper (Epinephelus fasciatus)
Pukapuka PN.TALAAO Talaao A fish (Epinephelus merra)
East Futuna FJ.TALASEA Talasea Nom d`un poisson
Nukuoro NP.TALA-TALA.B Daladala Squirrelfish sp.
Tokelau NP.TALA-TALA.B Talatala Violet Soldier Fish (Myripristis violaceus)
Hawaiian PN.TALA-TUPUQA Kalakupua Under control of supernatural power; magic Problematic