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1643 Results matching "ala" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Futuna FJ.QARA ʔAla Awake (to be)
East Uvea FJ.QARA ʔAla Reveiller (sg.)
East Uvea FJ.QARA ʔA/ʔala/ Reveiller (pl.)
Hawaiian FJ.QARA Ala Awake
Kapingamarangi FJ.QARA Ala Awaken, arise
Niue FJ.QARA Ala Awake, be awake Phonologically Irregular
Niue FJ.QARA A/ala/ Awake, be awake (pl. sbj.) Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro FJ.QARA Ala Awake
Luangiua FJ.QARA ʔAla Awake
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.QARA Ala(h-) Wake up (sg), be awake (sg); rise up (sg)
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.QARA Fe/ala/fi Wake up (pl)
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.QARA Ala Appear from some distance Problematic
Pukapuka FJ.QARA Ala To awake
Samoan FJ.QARA Ala Awake
Sikaiana FJ.QARA Ala Awake
Tokelau FJ.QARA Ala Be awake
West Uvea FJ.QARA Ala(fia) Be awake, no longer asleep [Heo Dialect]. Wake up, open one's eyes [Muli Dialect]
Hawaiian CE.ARA-FATA Alahaka Plank bridge, trestle, ladder
East Futuna NP.ALAFI Alafi/a Deblaye, praticable; ou l'on peut passer Problematic
East Uvea NP.ALAFI Alafi/a Demeurer chez les parents de la personne à laquelle on est marié Problematic
Pukapuka NP.ALAFI Alawi/a Revival of old ideas or habits by an individual
Tongan NP.ALAFI Alafi Feel after with hand Borrowed Problematic
West Uvea PN.QARA-FIA Alafia Rester éveillé, veiller (malade, mort)
East Futuna PN.ALAGA.A Alaga Jambe, jambon
East Uvea PN.ALAGA.A Alaga Jambe, jambon
Niue PN.ALAGA.A Alaga Limb
Nukuoro PN.ALAGA.A Aalanga Member (of the body, a house etc.)
Samoan PN.ALAGA.A Aalaga Leg of pig and certain large animals
Tokelau PN.ALAGA.A Aalaga Thigh; leg, of pork or other meat
Tongan PN.ALAGA.A Alanga Thigh, upper part of leg (of humans, birds, animals
East Futuna TO.ALAGA.B Alaga All the parts and gear of a canoe; the main roof-bearers in a house Problematic
East Uvea TO.ALAGA.B Alaga Les pieces diverse d'un navire Problematic
Niue TO.ALAGA.B Alaga vaka Parts of the canoe (other than the main hull)
Tongan TO.ALAGA.B Alanga Mast, sails, oars, tackle (of boat)
Hawaiian CE.ARAHURA Alahula A frequented and well-known path
Hawaiian PN.AALAI Aalai Screen
Niue PN.AALAI Alai-a Obstruct, stop up, block
Pukapuka PN.AALAI Aalai That which wards off, protects or defends as barrier; reef, in the sense of the outside reef considered as warding off the sea and protecting the land; reef heads and barriers in the lagoon
Tokelau PN.AALAI Aalai Reef inside the lagoon
East Futuna SO.ALAKISI.* Alakisi Cigale
East Uvea SO.ALAKISI.* Alakihi Cicada
East Futuna NP.ALAALA ʔAlaʔala/muli Small fish, a kind of mackerel
East Uvea NP.ALAALA Alaala Nom de poisson (Carangides fulvoguttatus))
Kapingamarangi NP.ALAALA Alaala Jack (Caranx malampygus)
Nukuoro NP.ALAALA Alaala Two species of Jack
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.ALAALA Alala A trevally fish. A small edible fish (Caranx delicatissimus) (Hnh).
Tokelau NP.ALAALA Alaala Striped Jack (Carangoides gilberti)
Pukapuka CO.ALAALA-FUTU Laalaawutu Golden Jack (Gnathanodon speciosus)
Samoan CO.ALAALA-FUTU Alaala/futu, lala/futu Caranx sp.
Sikaiana CO.ALAALA-FUTU Alaalahutu A fish