Entries from Churchward 1940 in Pollex-Online

Churchward, C. M. (1940). Rotuman grammar and dictionary. Sydney, Australian Medical Publishing Company.

Language Item Description
Rotuman Haho Coral reef
Rotuman Haga To feed
Rotuman Faga Wicker fish-trap Borrowed
Rotuman Hagota To fish . Problematic
Rotuman Fag/fagu A nose-flute Borrowed
Rotuman Ha/hai To flog, thrash Problematic
Rotuman Fak(a)- Prefix signifying like . Borrowed
Rotuman Haʔi Pick fruit
Rotuman Hala To make first row of stitches in a mat
Rotuman Hata Pandanus sp.
Rotuman Hale Section of house thatch
Rotuman Koroa Shop Borrowed
Rotuman Fao/ʔaki Lead by the hand, pull along by hand Borrowed
Rotuman Fana Shoot with a bow Borrowed
Rotuman Hanaʔo Steal
Rotuman Hanua Land, country, place
Rotuman Hao/hao Tree with white flowers
Rotuman Faʔo Nail, tack Borrowed
Rotuman Hao Plant
Rotuman Hata Roof, to roof; native shelf
Rotuman Fatfata Chest, bosom Borrowed
Rotuman Hafu Rock, stone; tombstone
Rotuman Faʔu To bind Borrowed
Rotuman Hai- Reciprocal prefix
Rotuman Fefeka Strength, energy Borrowed
Rotuman Hegu Blow the nose
Rotuman Fekau Messenger Borrowed
Rotuman Heʔe Octopus, cuttlefish
Rotuman Fesi Tree sp.(Insia bijuga) Borrowed
Rotuman Hefau (Callophyllum sp.)
Rotuman Hefu Star
Rotuman Hisi How many?
Rotuman Hili Choose, select
Rotuman Firi Enemy Borrowed
Rotuman Hiri To plait (three strands)
Rotuman Firo Add variety, of food, colours Borrowed
Rotuman Fisoʔa Creeper whose leaves produce a cleansing lather Borrowed
Rotuman Fiti Start with surprise Borrowed
Rotuman Fiti Fiji Borrowed
Rotuman Hifu Seven
Rotuman Hoo To squeeze, to wring
Rotuman Foo Sponge or mop up, soak up Borrowed
Rotuman Foa Grater Problematic
Rotuman Hose Paddle
Rotuman Hoʔi Go back, return
Rotuman Hola To spread out (e.g. a mat, a sheet)
Rotuman Forau Voyage Borrowed
Rotuman Fono Food eaten by chiefs with kava . Borrowed
Rotuman Hosa Flower, roe
Rotuman Hofu Sting or piercer of Stingray