Entries from Churchward 1959 in Pollex-Online

Churchward, C. M. (1959). Tongan Dictionary. London, Oxford University Press.

Language Item Description
Tongan Kaalava Blood-vessel, vein, artery or capillary
Tongan Keleʔa Conch, conch-shell (often used as a trumpet)
Tongan Kaleveleve Spider sp
Tongan Kali Wooden pillow
Tongan Kalia Double canoe
Tongan Takaniko Trochus Problematic
Tongan Kalihe/lihe Kind of lizard
Tongan Kalo-ama Young vete (Surmullet)
Tongan Kalo/fi-ama Spark (from a fire) Problematic
Tongan Kalu Thin more-or-less moist skin or membrane surrounding the flesh of certain fruits, e.g. each division of an orange
Tongan Kolukalu Jellyfish
Tongan Kamakama Crab sp
Tongan Kamata Begin
Tongan Kamata/hake Taste
Tongan Kamo Beckon or make signs with eye or hand
Tongan Kamu Circumcise (polite for tefe)
Tongan Kana A kind of marine growth somewhat like a sponge but harder
Tongan Kana/ʔi To rub or scrub or polish with a kana
Tongan Ka ne If...were, if...had, referring to a purely imaginary condition or supposition
Tongan Ka na If
Tongan Kanahe Mullet
Tongan Pua tau/kanave/ Flowering tree bearing white, sweet-scented, double flowers
Tongan Kaniva Galaxy, Milky Way
Tongan Kano Flesh or substance (generally used when –`i is attached)
Tongan Kano/ʔi Flesh (or substance) of; absolute, utter, unmitigated
Tongan Kanoni Increase or add to (Weight); aggravate something already unpleasant
Tongan Kaokao Side of a boat or ship, or of a cart etc.
Tongan Kapa To stretch out the arms toward, to try to reach, to reach for
Tongan Kapa/toka Of young birds, to be able to move their wings but not fly
Tongan Kapa/puna Have feathers and be able to hop about but not fly
Tongan Kapa/totolo Of a small child, be just beginning to crawl
Tongan Kapakapa Flap wings
Tongan Kapakapa Side fin
Tongan Kapakau Wing, winged
Tongan Kepesiko A fish
Tongan Kapau If
Tongan Kape (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Tongan Kapi/kapi A wedge; drive a wedge into
Tongan Kopoa Catfish
Tongan Kaponga Back fin
Tongan Kapu Form banana leaf into cuplike shape
Tongan Kapu Surround
Tongan Ka/kapu Mist
Tongan Kaapui Surround, encompass, encircle; cover completely, envelop, enshroud
Tongan Kahi Kind of shellfish
Tongan Kahi/kahi A kind of fish
Tongan Kahi Diseased swellings, scrofula on neck, piles
Tongan Kaho/ki Rafter; spoke of wheel; rib of umbrella
Tongan Kahoa Necklace.
Tongan Kahokaho Particularly good kind of yam