Entries from McEwen 1970 in Pollex-Online
McEwen, J. M. (1970). Niue Dictionary. Wellington, Department of Maori and Island Affairs.
Language | Item | Description |
Niue | Tifa, lifa | Tilt sideways, capsize (of canoe) Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Tika | Just, right Problematic |
Niue | Tike/tike | To squat on the heels |
Niue | Tio | Glance |
Niue | Pona/hui | Ankle |
Niue | Poko/ihu | Nostril. Dimpled base of the noise (Sph). |
Niue | Titi | Dancing-skirt made of inner bark of hibiscus |
Niue | Too | To conceive (of a woman) |
Niue | Tofi | Cut into strips; chisel n. To chisel, to gouge; cut (top part of yam tuber for replanting) (Sph). |
Niue | Togo | Legendary tree, said to be the mangrove |
Niue | Toki | Axe, hatchet, adze |
Niue | Tolo | To throw, scatter (as seed), throw away, spread out. Throw (onto a heap), scatter (Sph). |
Niue | Toomua | To arrive early. To be the very first (Sph). |
Niue | Tona/tona | Croton (Codiaeum variegatum) |
Niue | Tope | Tuft or lock of hair. Pigtail, ponytail... (Sph). |
Niue | Tohi | To mark (as with stripes or dots), to write; letter, book |
Niue | Toho | To ravish, deflower |
Niue | Toto | Blood, sap, juice. To bleed (Sph). |
Niue | Toto/taane | (Euphorbia hirta |
Niue | Toto/fifine | (Euphorbia prostrata) |
Niue | Toto/tea | (Euphorbia ramosissima) |
Niue | Toua | Coconut crab before it lays eggs. Eggs or roe inside the body of a female crab (Sph). |
Niue | Tulei | Thrust, push. Push over (Sph). |
Niue | Tulu/tulei (hifo) | Throw down. Push over (pl.obj.) (Sph). |
Niue | Tu/tulu/ | Leak through a hole |
Niue | Tulu/taa | Drop of water |
Niue | Tumutumu | Collection, gathering together, heap, mound; to heap up Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Tunu | To boil, broil, roast |
Niue | Tupa | Crab |
Niue | Tulana | The sacred spot in a house where an idol was placed Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Tutua | Balk of toi timber om which bark cloth is beaten |
Niue | Haa/u | Thy, your |
Niue | Ue | To move from side to side. To sway (Sph). |
Niue | Uka | An arrowroot scraper (made of sinnet bound round a piece of wood) |
Niue | Ula | Smoke a pipe or cigarette |
Niue | Ulu | To level stones Problematic |
Niue | Inafi | To scale a fish (Motu dial) Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Unu | To shed (shell); peel (remove bark); emerge, be withdrawn |
Niue | Unu | Move along, move over, draw near |
Niue | Kai va/valo | To curse Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Valu | Kingfish. Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor) (Sph). |
Niue | Veve/veve | Fruit left on a tree because it is out of reach |
Niue | Vivii | Intensive used with kona (bitter). (Teeth) on edge; irritated, acrid (Sph). |
Niue | Viki/a | Hint, be rumoured, reported Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Vili | Bore; gimlet. To spin; spinning-top (Sph). |
Niue | Tafola | Scattered about |
Niue | Lango fufu | Carpenter wasp. Common blow fly (Sph). |
Niue | Kalemutu | Worm (Motu dialect) Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Mafu | To whistle (Tafiti dialect) Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Poaki (Tafiti dialect), puaki (Motu dialect) | (To issue a) command |