Entries from Salisbury in Pollex-Online

Personal Communication

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Ngolo Large pig Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Aangai Opposite
Pukapuka Yaangi/a Full, satisfied
Pukapuka Aku Tylosurus and Strongylura spp.
Pukapuka Io Downwards; limitation, misfortune
Pukapuka Yonge/yonge Scarce, not very many ; becoming scarce Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Uli Large size of Tri-Colored Fusilier (Pterocaesio tile)
Pukapuka Kawa (Ellochelon vaigiensis)
Pukapuka Kaawilo To mix with (foods, fibres) Problematic
Pukapuka Kaau(w)i Bunch of coconuts, pandanus keys
Pukapuka Kai tau olo Serves you right! (lit. Eat your pudding!) Problematic
Pukapuka Kai Verbal particle, sign of the conditional expressing fear ; Negative imperative, caveat; TAM marker: might
Pukapuka Kai-yau One who repeatedly imposes on a household not his own for his meals ; eat taboo food from a lover
Pukapuka Kakaya Burn (of torches in old chant) Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Kakai All the people of a place
Pukapuka Kakau Handle
Pukapuka Kalaawau Lower part of fish's head inside mouth
Pukapuka Kalaka Name of foreign tree with red bark and fruit
Marquesas Kaaʔevaʔeva Long-tailed New Zealand Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis)
Pukapuka Kalo/kalo Scoop out clams, grate coconuts
Pukapuka Kami/kami Cartilage between gills of a fish
Pukapuka Kemo Wink, blink once
Pukapuka Kemo/tia Signal with eyes
Pukapuka Kanae Mullet sp. (Crenimugil crenilabis)
Pukapuka Kanapu Bright, shining (archaic)
Pukapuka Kano That which is regarded as the real or essential part of something (e.g. kano toki, head of an axe, kano moana, deep, dark ocean) (???); inside, centre, core of something
Pukapuka Kapa Chanted dance relating to Underworld
Pukapuka Kaputi Come together, assemble, join Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Kapu Catch, grasp hold of Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Kapu/kapu Covered, spread over (of sky)
Pukapuka Ka/kayi Yellowfin Tuna (archaic form)
Pukapuka Kata/kata A deep-sea fish (Epinephelus miliaris)
Pukapuka Katamu (to make a noise with lips (in chants) Problematic
Pukapuka Kaumaa/tu/tua Elderly men
Pukapuka Kave pakipaki Tentacle of Portuguese Man-of-war
Pukapuka Kaavei Curved handle
Pukapuka Kaavei/vei Hanging in bundles
Pukapuka Kaveinga Compass ; a group of stars on the same declination, thought of as a constellation ; bearing
Pukapuka Kaveu Robber Crab (Bge) .; coconut crab (Sby) Problematic
Pukapuka Ke(e) Verbal particle introducing subordinate clauses, indicating a wish, purpose or command
Pukapuka Kea Turtle ; hawksbill turtle
Pukapuka Kena Bird name in chants, assoc. with noa (S. leucogaster): prob. old name for lulu (S. dactylatra)
Pukapuka Keta Hard, tight, firm Problematic
Pukapuka Ki With (instrument)
Pukapuka Kii Full Problematic
Pukapuka Kia Let (archaic particle used in old prayers . subjunctive "let" (now archaic) Problematic
Pukapuka Lau/kie Prepared fibre from "yulu" bush variety of Pandanus, used for making fine mats
Pukapuka Kiu Game of tag, where all run away
Pukapuka Kilitai Surface of the sea
Pukapuka Kiai Negative particle, past tense Problematic