Entries from Salisbury in Pollex-Online
Personal Communication
Language | Item | Description |
Pukapuka | Mumu | Gather, crowd around; passive form: muuia |
Pukapuka | Nane | Mix, stir Problematic |
Pukapuka | Nanea | To make much out of little, dextrous |
Pukapuka | Naonao | Small flying insect by day and night |
Pukapuka | Nape | Prise up, dig up; plaiting stroke |
Pukapuka | Naupata | Plant name in chants only |
Pukapuka | Neke | To lift ; move a little, edge along |
Pukapuka | Neeneva | Absent-minded, dazed, frenzied ; crazy, silly |
Pukapuka | Neva/neva | Wander aimlessly as an idiot |
Pukapuka | Neve | Carry on back |
Pukapuka | Noa | Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) Problematic |
Pukapuka | Noi/noi | Always begging Borrowed |
Pukapuka | Oo | Response to a call |
Pukapuka | Woo/mamai | Come (plural) |
Pukapuka | Oo | Pass through a narrow space ; to get in, fit inside |
Pukapuka | Oi | Move from side to side, shake hips in dancing |
Pukapuka | Ope | Barnacle |
Pukapuka | Opo | Gather up, heap up |
Pukapuka | Oyo | Spring forward, appear suddenly or unxexpectedly > |
Pukapuka | Oti | Enough ; finish, be over |
Pukapuka | Paa | Strike (of wind) |
Pukapuka | Paa | Perhaps, probably; to agree, give consent Problematic |
Pukapuka | Pangole | Bald Phonologically Irregular |
Pukapuka | Pange | Prop up, support; push, pass (in racing); to feel, touch, push away, refuse |
Pukapuka | Peka | Sea crabs in general Phonologically Irregular |
Pukapuka | Pakeva | Fish sp. (Carangoides orthogrammus) |
Pukapuka | Paakiko | Seed inside pandanus key, kernel inside akanava seed Problematic |
Pukapuka | Paakila/kila | Bald-headed Problematic |
Pukapuka | Pakou | A fish, species of wrasse (Thalassoma trilobatum) Problematic |
Pukapuka | Palata | A species of shark, very ferocious ; Alopias Vulpinus [Thresher shark] Problematic |
Pukapuka | Paalau | Pearlshell (prob. post-contact borrowing) Problematic |
Pukapuka | Pali | Drift sideways |
Pukapuka | Akulaa paanokonoko | Marlin, describing stripes |
Pukapuka | Papa | To lay down flooring |
Pukapuka | Paaele | Comb used as hair ornament Problematic |
Pukapuka | Payi/a | Satisfied (with food) |
Pukapuka | Paayiiyii | Thin, slim, emaciated Problematic |
Pukapuka | Pe(e) | Like (resembling); certainly |
Pukapuka | Peenaa | Like that |
Pukapuka | Peenei | Like this |
Pukapuka | Pe/ia | Throw out, banish |
Pukapuka | Peka | Wind wire on to a hook |
Pukapuka | Pewu | Possess will power, strength of purpose Problematic |
Pukapuka | Pewu | Custom, habit (poss. borr) Problematic |
Pukapuka | Peva | Crescent-shaped (as moon, or tail of Peva fish (Carangoides ferdau)); a protruding part on the edge of an object |
Pukapuka | Pii | Sprinkle, spray ; ooze, leak, flow . Sprinkle, spray, squirt |
Pukapuka | Pia/pia | Eye infections |
Pukapuka | Ngoo/pili | A kind of lizard, gecko |
Pukapuka | Pilipili | Introduced weed Problematic |
Pukapuka | Pii/a | To be affected from a type of disease |