Entries from Salisbury in Pollex-Online

Personal Communication

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Mumu Gather, crowd around; passive form: muuia
Pukapuka Nane Mix, stir Problematic
Pukapuka Nanea To make much out of little, dextrous
Pukapuka Naonao Small flying insect by day and night
Pukapuka Nape Prise up, dig up; plaiting stroke
Pukapuka Naupata Plant name in chants only
Pukapuka Neke To lift ; move a little, edge along
Pukapuka Neeneva Absent-minded, dazed, frenzied ; crazy, silly
Pukapuka Neva/neva Wander aimlessly as an idiot
Pukapuka Neve Carry on back
Pukapuka Noa Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) Problematic
Pukapuka Noi/noi Always begging Borrowed
Pukapuka Oo Response to a call
Pukapuka Woo/mamai Come (plural)
Pukapuka Oo Pass through a narrow space ; to get in, fit inside
Pukapuka Oi Move from side to side, shake hips in dancing
Pukapuka Ope Barnacle
Pukapuka Opo Gather up, heap up
Pukapuka Oyo Spring forward, appear suddenly or unxexpectedly >
Pukapuka Oti Enough ; finish, be over
Pukapuka Paa Strike (of wind)
Pukapuka Paa Perhaps, probably; to agree, give consent Problematic
Pukapuka Pangole Bald Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Pange Prop up, support; push, pass (in racing); to feel, touch, push away, refuse
Pukapuka Peka Sea crabs in general Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Pakeva Fish sp. (Carangoides orthogrammus)
Pukapuka Paakiko Seed inside pandanus key, kernel inside akanava seed Problematic
Pukapuka Paakila/kila Bald-headed Problematic
Pukapuka Pakou A fish, species of wrasse (Thalassoma trilobatum) Problematic
Pukapuka Palata A species of shark, very ferocious ; Alopias Vulpinus [Thresher shark] Problematic
Pukapuka Paalau Pearlshell (prob. post-contact borrowing) Problematic
Pukapuka Pali Drift sideways
Pukapuka Akulaa paanokonoko Marlin, describing stripes
Pukapuka Papa To lay down flooring
Pukapuka Paaele Comb used as hair ornament Problematic
Pukapuka Payi/a Satisfied (with food)
Pukapuka Paayiiyii Thin, slim, emaciated Problematic
Pukapuka Pe(e) Like (resembling); certainly
Pukapuka Peenaa Like that
Pukapuka Peenei Like this
Pukapuka Pe/ia Throw out, banish
Pukapuka Peka Wind wire on to a hook
Pukapuka Pewu Possess will power, strength of purpose Problematic
Pukapuka Pewu Custom, habit (poss. borr) Problematic
Pukapuka Peva Crescent-shaped (as moon, or tail of Peva fish (Carangoides ferdau)); a protruding part on the edge of an object
Pukapuka Pii Sprinkle, spray ; ooze, leak, flow . Sprinkle, spray, squirt
Pukapuka Pia/pia Eye infections
Pukapuka Ngoo/pili A kind of lizard, gecko
Pukapuka Pilipili Introduced weed Problematic
Pukapuka Pii/a To be affected from a type of disease