Entries from Salisbury in Pollex-Online

Personal Communication

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Kiu A variety of Plover ; one of the Arctic wading birds that occasionally visit in flocks in migration
Pukapuka Koukou Wedding gift ; wrap up (food, baby)
Pukapuka Koi Tense aspect mood marker, poss. inceptive; used in polite requests Problematic
Pukapuka Kokii Creak, squeak
Pukapuka Kookili Triggerfish (generic) Borrowed
Pukapuka -kole Nominal suffix, lack of Problematic
Pukapuka Koolingo Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus); spirit, supernatural omen Problematic
Pukapuka Waka/kolo To intend or want to do
Pukapuka Kolo/kolo Throat, double-chin ; loose skin at throat, as in (kotawa) kolokolo kula ("red-throated frigatebird")
Pukapuka Polopuka A shrub (Solanum viride) Problematic
Pukapuka Koma Adze mentioned in old chants.
Pukapuka Loto/kono Staunch, true blue
Pukapuka Koopani The second wave that breaks over (covers) the first Problematic
Pukapuka Koopelu A fish (Decapterus macarellus) Problematic
Pukapuka Kooputu A seabird name in chant texts: "black, with a loud call" Problematic
Pukapuka Kotawa Males of both spp. of Frigatebird (kootawa and kootaa appear in a few chants, poss. early contact period Borrowed
Pukapuka Wulu kula Red feathers from western islands
Pukapuka Ku/kume Resist strain on fishing-line; embrace (in love-making) ; pull, haul Problematic
Pukapuka Kumu/kumu Wring out, squeeze Problematic
Pukapuka Iaa/na He, she, it
Pukapuka Ila Birthmark
Pukapuka Iloa Know, understand
Pukapuka Inu Drink
Pukapuka Ipu Half coconut shell, cup
Pukapuka N/i(i), yii Some
Pukapuka Ita Angry, annoyed, upset
Pukapuka Iti/iti Very small
Pukapuka Ituu Side, half of something, including land
Pukapuka Aa/langa(langa) Buoyant (of boat with heavy load)
Pukapuka Langatila Secular leader of a minor paternal descent group ; (NB: Post-constact borrowing) Borrowed
Pukapuka Lango Poles to rest canoe on
Pukapuka Laka To jump; move to front of line ; step on
Pukapuka Lakia White-capped Noddy/Black Noddy (Anous minutus minutus)
Pukapuka Laakoa Bird species (only in chants) Problematic
Pukapuka Lala To bleach Pandanus leaves by passing them over a fire ; to grill, roast over fire
Pukapuka Lalawi Fish sp. (Cheilinus undulatus)
Pukapuka Waka/lale/lale Pronounce, utter, often incoherent Problematic
Pukapuka Lali Stain ; get dirty
Pukapuka Lalii Fish species (Epinephelus fasciatus)
Pukapuka Lalo West
Pukapuka Laama/ti Hold a grudge, take revenge
Pukapuka Lama Torch
Pukapuka Lama/lama Torch fishing
Pukapuka Lanu Amniotic fluid
Pukapuka Lanu paa Breaking of the waters
Pukapuka Laoa Choke
Pukapuka Laawie Fine, clear sky
Pukapuka Lai Numerous
Pukapuka Waka/lau Count
Pukapuka La/lau Fishing chant