Entries from Salisbury in Pollex-Online
Personal Communication
Language | Item | Description |
Pukapuka | Poa | Bait ; fishing ground, shoal of fish . |
Pukapuka | Poouwe | Creeping legume plant (Ipomoea grandiflora) |
Pukapuka | Ponga | Deformed, misshapen (of fruit) |
Pukapuka | Pongipongi | Dull, not shiny, dark (sky, colours) > Problematic |
Pukapuka | Poke | Name of a taro pudding ; pudding of fruit or arrowroot mixed with coconut milk |
Pukapuka | Poouli pookelekele | Pitch darkness Problematic |
Pukapuka | Pookia | Grabbed |
Pukapuka | Poko | Wrestling match to wrestle (incl. slapping arms) |
Pukapuka | Poo/poko | Wrestling |
Pukapuka | Pokoivi | Shoulder Problematic |
Pukapuka | Pola | A coconut leaf plaited and used on houses |
Pukapuka | Pole/pole | Always agreeable, submissive, easily preyed on |
Pukapuka | Pone/pone | Butterfly Fish sp. (Chaetodon reticulatus) |
Pukapuka | Pota | A kind of food: taro leaves cooked with grated coconut then beaten |
Pukapuka | Puu | Base of tree or plant |
Pukapuka | Puaki | Spit out, spew out, cough up spit out, burp |
Pukapuka | Puungaawelewele | Cobweb Problematic |
Pukapuka | Puka | (Ceodes [= Pisonia] umbellifera) (Bge); tree sp. (Pisonia grandis) |
Pukapuka | Pukatea | Alternate name for Puka in old chant |
Pukapuka | Puke/a | Be affected by disease |
Pukapuka | Pu/puku | Small, rounded (of people) |
Pukapuka | Pula | To spark ; to sparkle, shine |
Pukapuka | Tau/pulapula | Spotted Problematic |
Pukapuka | Puulou | Tree species, Hibiscus tiliaceus Problematic |
Pukapuka | Pule/pule | Cowrie |
Pukapuka | Puleva | Slimy brown slick on water (from coral) |
Pukapuka | Pulotu | Beautiful ; beauty, handsome person |
Pukapuka | Puumanava | Pit of stomach Problematic |
Pukapuka | Puni | Fully occupied ; closed, shut |
Pukapuka | Pu/puni | Close, shut, concealed |
Pukapuka | Puunou | Stoop, bend down |
Pukapuka | Pui | Blow, spit s.th. out of mouth cf. puyi |
Pukapuka | Yaele | To walk ; yaaele (pl) |
Pukapuka | Yawe | to conclude, reach the end |
Pukapuka | Yakali | Modern name for mature coconut in niu papaku stage ; also in old chants Problematic |
Pukapuka | Yaa/yaaki | Commence Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Pukapuka | Yalulu | Any kind of pain Problematic |
Pukapuka | Wakatau/yani | Fondle, caress; lure, entice, attract |
Pukapuka | Yapai | Carry or lift up ; lift, carry in hands |
Pukapuka | Yala | Search for, go looking for something |
Pukapuka | Yau/aaliki | Gentle (of breeze) |
Pukapuka | Avayiki | Place name in chants; prob. Savai'i in Samoa Problematic |
Pukapuka | Ye/yee | To be mistaken, confused, foolish, blank-minded ; err, go astray, be mistaken |
Pukapuka | Tae/yii | Have diarrhoea |
Pukapuka | Yiapo | Foreign product recorded in chants |
Pukapuka | Yiku | Tail, e.g. of animal, fish; tip, extremity |
Pukapuka | Yimu | Bluelined Triggerfish (Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus) Problematic |
Pukapuka | Yina | Name of woman in stories and chants |
Pukapuka | Yiva | A type of chant, usually associated with the underworld |
Pukapuka | Ivi | Ridge of sand or gravel Phonologically Irregular |