Entries from Salisbury in Pollex-Online

Personal Communication

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Poa Bait ; fishing ground, shoal of fish .
Pukapuka Poouwe Creeping legume plant (Ipomoea grandiflora)
Pukapuka Ponga Deformed, misshapen (of fruit)
Pukapuka Pongipongi Dull, not shiny, dark (sky, colours) > Problematic
Pukapuka Poke Name of a taro pudding ; pudding of fruit or arrowroot mixed with coconut milk
Pukapuka Poouli pookelekele Pitch darkness Problematic
Pukapuka Pookia Grabbed
Pukapuka Poko Wrestling match to wrestle (incl. slapping arms)
Pukapuka Poo/poko Wrestling
Pukapuka Pokoivi Shoulder Problematic
Pukapuka Pola A coconut leaf plaited and used on houses
Pukapuka Pole/pole Always agreeable, submissive, easily preyed on
Pukapuka Pone/pone Butterfly Fish sp. (Chaetodon reticulatus)
Pukapuka Pota A kind of food: taro leaves cooked with grated coconut then beaten
Pukapuka Puu Base of tree or plant
Pukapuka Puaki Spit out, spew out, cough up spit out, burp
Pukapuka Puungaawelewele Cobweb Problematic
Pukapuka Puka (Ceodes [= Pisonia] umbellifera) (Bge); tree sp. (Pisonia grandis)
Pukapuka Pukatea Alternate name for Puka in old chant
Pukapuka Puke/a Be affected by disease
Pukapuka Pu/puku Small, rounded (of people)
Pukapuka Pula To spark ; to sparkle, shine
Pukapuka Tau/pulapula Spotted Problematic
Pukapuka Puulou Tree species, Hibiscus tiliaceus Problematic
Pukapuka Pule/pule Cowrie
Pukapuka Puleva Slimy brown slick on water (from coral)
Pukapuka Pulotu Beautiful ; beauty, handsome person
Pukapuka Puumanava Pit of stomach Problematic
Pukapuka Puni Fully occupied ; closed, shut
Pukapuka Pu/puni Close, shut, concealed
Pukapuka Puunou Stoop, bend down
Pukapuka Pui Blow, spit s.th. out of mouth cf. puyi
Pukapuka Yaele To walk ; yaaele (pl)
Pukapuka Yawe to conclude, reach the end
Pukapuka Yakali Modern name for mature coconut in niu papaku stage ; also in old chants Problematic
Pukapuka Yaa/yaaki Commence Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Yalulu Any kind of pain Problematic
Pukapuka Wakatau/yani Fondle, caress; lure, entice, attract
Pukapuka Yapai Carry or lift up ; lift, carry in hands
Pukapuka Yala Search for, go looking for something
Pukapuka Yau/aaliki Gentle (of breeze)
Pukapuka Avayiki Place name in chants; prob. Savai'i in Samoa Problematic
Pukapuka Ye/yee To be mistaken, confused, foolish, blank-minded ; err, go astray, be mistaken
Pukapuka Tae/yii Have diarrhoea
Pukapuka Yiapo Foreign product recorded in chants
Pukapuka Yiku Tail, e.g. of animal, fish; tip, extremity
Pukapuka Yimu Bluelined Triggerfish (Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus) Problematic
Pukapuka Yina Name of woman in stories and chants
Pukapuka Yiva A type of chant, usually associated with the underworld
Pukapuka Ivi Ridge of sand or gravel Phonologically Irregular