Entries from Salisbury in Pollex-Online

Personal Communication

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Vaakule Search for lice
Pukapuka Vao Bush, forest ; uninhabited area
Pukapuka Vaya Open sea between two points (arch.)
Pukapuka Vayi Split in two (e.g. a coconut)
Pukapuka Vaayi/a Split
Pukapuka Vaaia Period of time
Pukapuka (Ve)vete To take apart, part, separate
Pukapuka Vete memea Large size of Gold-lined goatfish (Mulloides vanicolensis)
Pukapuka Wulitua Turn the back
Pukapuka Akulaa Swordfish, sailfish, marlin spp. Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Pale Turn, change direction, go round
Pukapuka Pale Hold, support
Pukapuka Tawola Spread out in the open
Pukapuka Takuo Fish that is noosed (in chants)
Pukapuka Tua Ocean side of atoll; out to sea
Pukapuka Tainamu Mosquito net
Pukapuka Waaoa Canoe crew
Pukapuka Aayanga Name for the unbroken stretch of built-up reef on eastern (windward) side of atoll, stretching between motu (islets)
Pukapuka Ao Breath Problematic
Pukapuka Aalia Wait a minute! Borrowed
Pukapuka Ka/alia Wait a minute!
Pukapuka Omo/yi Rub, smear Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Te ao nei This world
Pukapuka Ao Successful at something, e.g. diving deeply
Pukapuka Onga Extra, surplus Borrowed
Pukapuka Aonga/a Suitable, useful
Pukapuka Au(w)a/e Don't
Pukapuka Au/yee Don't (formal)
Pukapuka Auyulu Prune, cut off all the leaves of the Hernandia tree
Pukapuka Eia Here they are; narrative marker: so, then
Pukapuka E/ia Narrative marker: so, then
Pukapuka E/ia laa At last!
Pukapuka Veve Worn out, exhausted (resources), as of poor people; poor, destitute
Pukapuka Waaele Mother with newborn child
Pukapuka Waailu Wipe after defecating
Pukapuka Waawine Women
Pukapuka Tama waangai Foster child Borrowed
Pukapuka Wai taua Start a fight, quarrel Problematic
Pukapuka Waainu Give a drink Problematic
Pukapuka Wakaea To breathe, rest
Pukapuka Wakaawu To make hot on a fire (e.g. oven stones)
Pukapuka Wakaipo Have an affair, commit adultery
Pukapuka Wakaita Show displeasure; building up anger
Pukapuka Wakalele Release, allow to fly, cause to run
Pukapuka Wakalongo Be silent, not speak
Pukapuka Wakayeyee Lead someone astray
Pukapuka Wakatayi To unite, join together
Pukapuka Wena Bow (n). Toy bow (modern) (Bge). Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Kave wetai Cassytha filiformis
Pukapuka Watinga Joint (of hand, arm or leg)