Entries from Donner 1983-87 in Pollex-Online

Donner, W. (1987) Sikaiana Vocabulary: Na male ma na talatala o Sikaiana. Honiara, Solomon Island

Language Item Description
Sikaiana Polo/polo To promise, to make a commitment; (often) to marry
Sikaiana P/pono Put inside a container, cover a bottle top, patch a leak; put in jail; bottle cap
Sikaiana P/poto/ Short (sg.)
Sikaiana Poto/poto Short (pl.)
Sikaiana Pou Post
Sikaiana Pouli To be dark at night
Sikaiana Puu Conch shell, generic term for several different species; conch shell trumpet
Sikaiana Puu Start an oven
Sikaiana Puna Coral
Sikaiana P/pui Shut, be shut (as a door); prevent, stop; forbid, forbidden
Sikaiana Puka A tree sp
Sikaiana Puku Mound; fat of a turtle; stump of a tree branch; to swell from an injury.
Sikaiana Puku A hunchback's hump Problematic
Sikaiana Puku lima The elbow
Sikaiana Ka/pulaka A type of swamp taro (Cyrtosperma chamissonis) that is an important staple of the Sikaiana diet
Sikaiana Pulau To stink, to smell rotten
Sikaiana Pule Cowrie
Sikaiana Pulotu Dance drum; beat dance drum
Sikaiana Pulou Hat
Sikaiana Puna Bubbles of air that come to the surface of the water, as when someone lets out air under water
Sikaiana Puni Closed up, stopped up; in descent lines, to have a line without any children, or, for some speakers, with only female children
Sikaiana Punua Young, small, little, of animals: punua kulii, ‘puppy’; punua moa, ‘chick’; punua piki, ‘piglet’
Sikaiana Pupu Dirty, unclean
Sikaiana Puto The central part of bird and fish nets where the mesh is more closely tied and the bird or fish will become caught
Sikaiana S/sae/ To tear calico
Sikaiana Haele, saele Walk, go by walking
Sikaiana Sahe Lucky, fortunate; to catch (as a bird or fish), find a spouse
Sikaiana Sahe To tie a cord around something; lock or hook arms while walking; fold arms while sitting
Sikaiana Saahea To be caught in the act of adultery
Sikaiana Sai A rope used to hold a person to a tree when he is trying to catch birds
Sikaiana Saki Expel
Sikaiana S/saki/ Dismiss
Sikaiana V/akili/ Open a wrapped material bit by bit Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Sakulaa Swordfish
Sikaiana Sala Be mistaken, make a mistake, be incorrect, wrong; sin (in Christian doctrine), especially through adultery and premarital sex; do by mistake, incorrectly, in a way that was unintended or unexpected
Sikaiana Salato Tree sp. (used for fertilizing the cultivated gardens; also used in play because it will cause itching)
Sikaiana Sali To turn from a solid into a liquid, to melt, to water, to shed tears
Sikaiana Saalo Make the surface smooth, of a canoe; whip with a knife in order to make soft, as in softening pandanus {kie} for weaving; whip, as in whipping a child
Sikaiana Saapai Carry an object on the front of the chest, especially to carry a child in such a manner
Sikaiana Saaputu A fish Problematic
Sikaiana San(a)na. Wall plate of the side walling of a house; a beam running horizontally on the side of a house that rests on the corner posts and supports the main rafters Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana S/sau Carry, lift; transfer power from one person to another at the death of the chief; remember, affect emotionally
Sikaiana Sauna To smell (with following modifier)
Sikaiana S/sava To be filthy from a liquid
Sikaiana Saavale Spit, spittle, sputum, saliva
Sikaiana See To blossom, generic term
Sikaiana Sea A type of song with actions, from Luaniua
Sikaiana Sekaa Moldy
Sikaiana Seke Slip when walking or running; lose weight
Sikaiana Sele Tie up from above; set a trap using a string that jerks