Entries from Donner 1983-87 in Pollex-Online
Donner, W. (1987) Sikaiana Vocabulary: Na male ma na talatala o Sikaiana. Honiara, Solomon Island
Language | Item | Description |
Sikaiana | Tiha | Mother-of-pearl |
Sikaiana | Tika | A dart made from the base of a coconut stalk {tupallaha} |
Sikaiana | Tike/tike | To sit on one's haunches without any other support, to squat |
Sikaiana | Tila | Mast |
Sikaiana | Tilo | Look down in admiration at something; admire, especially self admiration with a mirror |
Sikaiana | Tiinai | Extinguish, put out, turn off |
Sikaiana | Tin(a)na | Mother, genetic and classificatory; 1st ascending generation lineal and collateral female relatives |
Sikaiana | Tini | Choose, select, vote for Problematic |
Sikaiana | Tino | Body, trunk, main section of some object; main body of outrigger canoe |
Sikaiana | Tinno | Prefix to cardinal numbers: counting of humans by tens |
Sikaiana | Too/too | To plant |
Sikaiana | Too | Possessive pronoun, 2nd person singular for singular inalienable objects: your |
Sikaiana | Too | Take; adopt (a child) Problematic |
Sikaiana | Toa | Tree sp (Casuarina) |
Sikaiana | Toe | Left over, remaining |
Sikaiana | Toha | Spread out |
Sikaiana | Tono | Mangrove |
Sikaiana | Toka | Reef |
Sikaiana | Toka- | Prefix for cardinal numbers, counting humans up to ten |
Sikaiana | Tokelau, tokolau | The north (direction) |
Sikaiana | Toki | Shell axe or adze |
Sikaiana | Toko | Pole, staff; to punt a canoe |
Sikaiana | Tola | To be sexually excited, to have an erection |
Sikaiana | Tolo | To crawl; to move slowly |
Sikaiana | Tolo | Sugarcane |
Sikaiana | Toloa | Bar-tailed Godwit or Whimbrel, (Numenius phaeopus) |
Sikaiana | Tolu | Three; a star constellation |
Sikaiana | Tonu | Correct, proper, true; straight, as in the weaving of a mat or the shape of a canoe |
Sikaiana | Toti | Hop on one leg |
Sikaiana | Tuu | (of person or structure) Stand, be erect; (of ship or motorcar) stop; (of passenger) get off a vehicle; be made, finished |
Sikaiana | Tua | The back of a person |
Sikaiana | Tua | Towards the open sea in an outrigger canoe; the side of the island facing the open sea |
Sikaiana | Tuaki | To clean fish |
Sikaiana | Tunaki | Nod one's head in agreement |
Sikaiana | Tui | Sew |
Sikaiana | Tuki | To hammer, to pound as in softening puddings or strips of pandanus {pookai} to make a mat |
Sikaiana | Tuku | Place, put |
Sikaiana | Tulana | Expanse of time as opposed to a specific moment |
Sikaiana | Tule/tule | Doze by nodding forwards |
Sikaiana | T/tuli | Deaf, unable to hear |
Sikaiana | Tuli | Knee |
Sikaiana | T/tulu | To leak, of a house when it is raining |
Sikaiana | Tuaa poo | Midnight Phonologically Irregular |
Sikaiana | Tulutulu | Main corner posts of a house |
Sikaiana | Tunu | Cook by putting over a fire |
Sikaiana | Tupa | Landcrab sp. |
Sikaiana | Tupu | To grow, to age (of humans); to bear; to be born; to emerge |
Sikaiana | Tupua | A supernatural spirit. Unlike aitu, tupua are not dead humans who have become supernatural, but have always been supernatural beings. They are often associated with specific place names either ashore or along the reef. They assisted aitu mate in their endeavors. |
Sikaiana | Tuha | Be equal, share |
Sikaiana | Tusi | Point |