Entries from Donner 1983-87 in Pollex-Online
Donner, W. (1987) Sikaiana Vocabulary: Na male ma na talatala o Sikaiana. Honiara, Solomon Island
Language | Item | Description |
Sikaiana | P/patu | Hit with the bottom of a closed fist |
Sikaiana | Pena/pena | Do, make (exs prepare feast, build house); make string figure designs; use love magic to win someone's affections |
Sikaiana | Penu | Shell of a shellfish; shell of fruit or nut; cover, wrapping, envelope; penu hale 'empty house' |
Sikaiana | Piki | To roll together something using the fingers [exs cigarette, braided cord] Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Sikaiana | Pilipili | An octopus |
Sikaiana | P/pisi | To be spraying (of rain) |
Sikaiana | Poi | Almost; like, similar to |
Sikaiana | Poka | Frigate bird sp. with a white neck |
Sikaiana | Poka/poka | To clap hands Phonologically Irregular |
Sikaiana | Poponoisu | The mucus of the nose |
Sikaiana | Polo | The death wish or requests a dying man makes to his family |
Sikaiana | Puke | To catch |
Sikaiana | P/pula | To shine with a low light, as a fire from a far distance or a star |
Sikaiana | Puleva | Type of sea coral that is soft and spongy in the part where it is growing |
Sikaiana | Pulu/pulu | Embrace, pull another person towards oneself |
Sikaiana | Pusaki | To blow out air Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Sikaiana | Puutu/na | Part of teika lle ceremony... |
Sikaiana | Laho | Root of pandanus {paku} tree, sliced and then left to dry, used as house walling slats |
Sikaiana | Laki | The west |
Sikaiana | L/lihu | Sad, grieving, worried, tired |
Sikaiana | Lihu/tia | Emotionally saddened, upset; sadness, grief, sorrow |
Sikaiana | Liu/liu | To continually change a narration as it goes from one person to another |
Sikaiana | Liu | Deceive to gain advantage |
Sikaiana | Loto | To be angry |
Sikaiana | Lue/lue | To shake leaves at the fish which has been brought ashore during the teika lle |
Sikaiana | Liu | Hold of a canoe or steamship |
Sikaiana | Saa | Come into view, appear, be visible |
Sikaiana | Sa/kila | To glance |
Sikaiana | Sakili/kili | Talk dirty, swear using restricted words with sexual meanings |
Sikaiana | Samono | Porpoise |
Sikaiana | M/mui | To collect, to come together |
Sikaiana | Sana | To face towards a certain direction |
Sikaiana | Sao | Escape, be free from obligation: safe, alive after some disaster; (of canoe) safely cross the reef |
Sikaiana | Sala kai | To harvest, to gather food from the bush |
Sikaiana | Salaa | Fish sp., very small Phonologically Irregular |
Sikaiana | Sau | Weather |
Sikaiana | Saavaki | Sea urchin sp. |
Sikaiana | He | Indefinite article, any |
Sikaiana | He(e) | Negative marker following tense‑aspect marker, not |
Sikaiana | S/seke | Slippery |
Sikaiana | Heki | Not yet (tense-aspect marker, negative progressive) |
Sikaiana | -kumi | (with numeral) Suffix for counting [tens of] fathoms of material |
Sikaiana | Mu/muu | Make a constant buzzing noise (like a fly) |
Sikaiana | Seemu | Perform an action quietly, without telling anyone |
Sikaiana | Seu | To destroy |
Sikaiana | S/seu | To fish with a bamboo rod using a casting motion that pulls the hook over the top of the surface of water |
Sikaiana | Siaa | (preceding noun) A few, a bit of Problematic |
Sikaiana | Simu taetae | A method for lashing or tying a string in the shape of a diamond Phonologically Irregular |
Sikaiana | Sina | The central character of many of the traditional fairy tales {tala}. By legend, a woman who lives on the moon; she can be seen weaving her mat when the moon is full |
Sikaiana | Sinano | To blossom, of pandanus only (Archaic) |