Entries from Donner 1983-87 in Pollex-Online

Donner, W. (1987) Sikaiana Vocabulary: Na male ma na talatala o Sikaiana. Honiara, Solomon Island

Language Item Description
Sikaiana Vana Sea-egg
Sikaiana Vao Brush, low plants and bushes
Sikaiana Vaasina A food made from taro Problematic
Sikaiana Vave Quickly, fast
Sikaiana Veku/veku To stir Uncertain Semantic Connection
Sikaiana Vela To be destroyed by fire
Sikaiana Vele/na Garden
Sikaiana Velevele Spider
Sikaiana Velo/velo A Yellow-fin Tuna when caught on a hand‑held deep sea fishing line
Sikaiana V/vete To untie a knot
Sikaiana Vete Goatfish sp.
Sikaiana Veve Sedge, grass, moss
Sikaiana Vvela Hot
Sikaiana Vii Sour, as of a lemon
Sikaiana Vii A citrus fruit
Sikaiana Visi Tangled up, as a fishing line; crowded, full of people
Sikaiana Viiviitai A bird species
Sikaiana Alelo The tongue
Sikaiana Sooka/i Stab
Sikaiana Pale To slide one thing against another Uncertain Semantic Connection
Sikaiana Pale To turn the direction of a canoe
Sikaiana Pale Supporting pole in construction; people outside one's immediate family who will provide aid, support and resources; matrilineal relatives
Sikaiana Huti/huti Pluck out, as plucking the feathers of birds in preparation for cooking
Sikaiana Miti/miti To smoke tobacco in a pipe or cigarette
Sikaiana Lapalapa A tree buttress
Sikaiana Kohu/kohu The foam of waves as they break
Sikaiana Poki Caveat Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana K/kalu Thick, of coconut oil in cooking
Sikaiana Kalu/kalu Interstitial tissues of animate creatures
Sikaiana Masalo To be surprised
Sikaiana Mee (ki) Plan to do something
Sikaiana Mea Do, make, cause; have intercourse
Sikaiana Naopo Collected together Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana N/nau Tough to eat, of food
Sikaiana Navali Bent or curved, usually from warping
Sikaiana Neva/neva Sway from side to side
Sikaiana Nimo Move slowly, delay; slowly circle an area
Sikaiana N/noto To be deep, of space; to have a complex meaning
Sikaiana Nu/nu To make a low grunting sound
Sikaiana Oo Yes (declarative statement)
Sikaiana Oso/oso talatala To constantly interrupt speech
Sikaiana Oka To husk (a coconut)
Sikaiana Ono/ono To tie or repair a torn net
Sikaiana Olo/olo Scrape or rub back and forth continuously, as rubbing tubers or fruit for grating flour
Sikaiana Oso To spill over the top, as water in a container
Sikaiana Ota Grated coconut bits; the dregs of any substance that are left over after juice has been extracted
Sikaiana Papa Big flat rocks found in the reef
Sikaiana Papa Carry a child on one's back Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Pakia (of fruits and plants) To be injured by insects; a person who is always getting sick
Sikaiana Pani/pani To have many different colours