Entries from Donner 1983-87 in Pollex-Online

Donner, W. (1987) Sikaiana Vocabulary: Na male ma na talatala o Sikaiana. Honiara, Solomon Island

Language Item Description
Sikaiana Tuhuna (arch.) An expert at a handicraft skill, especially weaving or making a canoe; to be adept at misleading through speech, or to deceive others through speech
Sikaiana Tika/tika A dart game with darts {tika} made from coconut leaf. The object of the game is to compete to see who can throw his dart the furthest with an underhand throw
Sikaiana Taki- Prefix for numbers: to amount to in distributions: each
Sikaiana Timu The part in a person's hair Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Tipa Divert or turn from an original destination
Sikaiana Tipuna Grandparent, both true and classificatory; 2nd ascending generation lineal and collateral relatives
Sikaiana Tili Hit with a hammer, bang
Sikaiana Tili/tili Knock, as in knocking on a door
Sikaiana Too To fall, of rain
Sikaiana Toto (rare) Blood
Sikaiana Toa A very strong and brave warrior (Term mostly appears in fairy stories {tala} and legends)
Sikaiana Tohi Break off a piece from hard material
Sikaiana Tohu Abundant, plentiful
Sikaiana Tokelau, tokolau North
Sikaiana Toni/toni Change color in patches as a result of mildew; have blotchy skin as a man who has skin cancer
Sikaiana Tono Fish sp. Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Tolo To attempt secret seduction at night by entering the house of a woman and attempting to have sex with her while she is sleeping Problematic
Sikaiana Tootoka Door of a house
Sikaiana Tuu Strap of a back strap loom
Sikaiana Tuu To hit with a spear or bullet Problematic
Sikaiana T/tuu To cut, to split across the width
Sikaiana Tua The back of any object
Sikaiana T/tua Open ocean, ocean outside the lagoon.
Sikaiana Tuai Move slowly, delay, dawdle
Sikaiana Tua/lua To have two layers of something
Sikaiana Tuha (rare) To divide food unevenly
Sikaiana Tuke mata The eye brows
Sikaiana Uku/i Rub with force, as in washing clothes
Sikaiana Uma Breast of a bird or chicken where there is a lot of meat, preferred for eating
Sikaiana Una Shell of turtle
Sikaiana Ulua Large species of trevally
Sikaiana U/lukau Taro {haahaa} pudding mixed with taro leaves
Sikaiana Uso An extended blood relationship Uncertain Semantic Connection
Sikaiana Uta To carry in a ship
Sikaiana Uta Direction: when at sea, the direction towards dry land; towards the reef or towards an island; when ashore, the direction inland, away from the sea; when in a town, the direction away from the town
Sikaiana Uto Float used for holding up a fishing net {tauto}
Sikaiana Utua The point, promontory or tip of a land mass as it goes out to the ocean
Sikaiana Ei Anaphoric particle, in some cases follows a verb replacing a previous noun phrase
Sikaiana Vaa- Prefix: space, land
Sikaiana V(a)/vaa Noise; be noisy
Sikaiana Vaalana A saying that is true, a proverb, a vow Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana V/vana To spear fish with a rubber sling, to shoot a bow and arrow Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Valo A sea animal that hides in sand
Sikaiana Valo A shout, a scream
Sikaiana Vasi Cut off the root {uli} of taro {haahaa} in preparation for cooking and replanting
Sikaiana V/vele To garden, to weed, to sweep an area, to cut grass
Sikaiana Vini To whistle
Sikaiana V/volo To spear (a person or an animal); to push out, as pushing a canoe out to sea Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Amo/si To rub a body part, to massage
Sikaiana Kau he Negative imperative: do not!