Entries from Donner 1983-87 in Pollex-Online

Donner, W. (1987) Sikaiana Vocabulary: Na male ma na talatala o Sikaiana. Honiara, Solomon Island

Language Item Description
Sikaiana Tao/tao Sit on eggs
Sikaiana Lottonu In the middle
Sikaiana Tuki Wooden pounder, hammer
Sikaiana T/tuki A nail
Sikaiana Mata To have grown flesh inside, of a green coconut
Sikaiana Kaaile First coconut growth stage
Sikaiana Ka/matuu Mature coconuts that have fallen or are about to fall from trees, and can be used for making copra or eaten
Sikaiana Matahili To be hard inside, of a green coconut (5th stage
Sikaiana Pasiosio A tornado
Sikaiana Ssave Flying fish
Sikaiana Hai To have, to be in possession
Sikaiana Hai (with directional particle) To say, to tell; to have the notion, to have the belief, to think
Sikaiana Kaualiki lliki Plant sp.
Sikaiana Kaualiki naniu Plant sp.
Sikaiana Ili To fan with a hand held fan; to blow into
Sikaiana Sulumaki To fall forward
Sikaiana Taaute Decorated with flowers and plants
Sikaiana Tokia To be wet from being rained upon
Sikaiana Uli A shoot or root of taro
Sikaiana Naa Demonstrative pronoun: that, there, in sight, but on other side of listener. In conversation, a statement recently spoken as part of the present conversation.
Sikaiana Nunu To grate a substance to extract juice or sap
Sikaiana Haka/p/pisi To spray, as in spraying DDT to kill mosquitoes
Sikaiana Piisi/a To have something caught in the eye
Sikaiana Taia Hit, kick (passive of taa)
Sikaiana Halona A trip or journey away from Sikaiana or Solomon Islands by any conveyance Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Tili/houna Kingfisher
Sikaiana L/lano For the tide to come in Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Puku vae Ankle
Sikaiana Tele Flow, as water flows from a hose, in a current or a river
Sikaiana Tukuhala A species of edible nut, ‘cutnut’ -- one of the four fruits whose harvest was restricted during the harvest ceremonies {huata}.
Sikaiana Semo To lick Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Hakkii The throat
Sikaiana Aho ake Day after tomorrow
Sikaiana HInaanahi ake Day before yesterday
Sikaiana Hakalele To make fly
Sikaiana Ivi tua Back bone
Sikaiana Kite To see, to find
Sikaiana Upu/llo The brain organ
Sikaiana Vaasa/o A free space in time or place; an unoccupied time or empty place; the place of someone, his role, job, responsibilities; the area between swamp gardens {taluano} where it is possible to stand up.
Sikaiana Hiimoe To be sleepy, to want to sleep
Sikaiana Pua/pua To blossom, of haahaa (taro), pasai (turmeric), kapulaka (taro).
Sikaiana Tai m/mate A time when the tide is very low. Fish are trapped in shallow pools in the reef and some die.
Sikaiana Maa Fish sp.
Sikaiana Hakaaniani To place something in the wind to dry
Sikaiana Oho/ttaa To be startled
Sikaiana Lapalapa the places in the trunk of a tree that extend out from the tree, as the trunk of the tava tree.
Sikaiana Motikao Finger Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana Lomaki To push into the ground, as in planting
Sikaiana Laakau Stick
Sikaiana Laakau alo A fishing rod used for bonito