Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online

Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu

Language Item Description
Niue Koho Digging or planting pole; barracuda (Sphyraena forsteri)
Niue Koe Progressive non-future Problematic
Niue Koka Tree sp. (Baccaurea seemannii); shrub sp. (Acalypha wilkesiana)
Niue Koki Limp (v), walk on toes Problematic
Niue Kokoo To crow
Niue Koli Dance (n,v)
Niue (Kaa)koli Trailing or scrambling shrub (Clerodendum inerme)
Niue Kolo Tower, fortress, place of refuge...
Niue Kolo To desire, wish, intend. To await an opportunity or an event; to rebel (McE).
Niue Kookoo Throat
Niue Koo Bark (of dog)
Niue Koloa Property, asset, resource, economy, wealth
Niue Kolopupuu Blister
Niue Komo Sink in, penetrate
Niue Gogo An small insect: sandly, small fruitfly (gneerally, all types of very small insects). A small beetls (McE). Phonologically Irregular
Niue Kona Satiated, satisfied Problematic
Niue Kona/hia Very drunk, intoxicated
Niue Kona Poisonous; drunk, tipsy
Niue Kona Bitter, salty
Niue Konei This place, here Problematic
Niue Lafi To add; to get involved (with bad behaviour) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Oli(oli) To rejoice, to be moved Phonologically Irregular
Niue Ko/kono To strain and strive [ex. in labour].
Niue Kaupuu ika Stomach of a fish Phonologically Irregular
Niue Kaupuu, koupuu Anus Problematic
Niue Kotaa. Kootaa (McE). Frigate bird (Fregata minor) Borrowed
Niue Koti Pinch, pick; clip, cut
Niue Ko/koti Pinch
Niue Koto To cluck
Niue Kua Non-future tense and present perfect tense marker
Niue Kui/a, tui/a To fail (of eyesight of babies)
Niue Kuku To grasp, clench. Hold fast (McE).
Niue Kuku Mussel sp
Niue Kuhu/kuhu To be dumb (may include some forms of severe speech impediments where voice is not lost)
Niue Kula Red, brown; bare, barren, exposed
Niue Kulii Dog
Niue Ulo Cooking-pot Borrowed
Niue Kulukulu Purple-capped Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus porphyraceus)
Niue Kumaa Rat
Niue Ti/mala/ Sweet Potato (Ipomoea) Problematic
Niue Kumete A traditional wooden bowl
Niue Kumi Ten fathoms
Niue Kumi To seek, search
Niue Kupega Net
Niue Kupu Word, expression (a single unit of spoken or written language); verse (of Bible)
Niue Faka/kupu To curse somebody
Niue Kupu/ga Insult, insulting word or name
Niue Kupu Circumference
Niue Kutu Louse, flea
Niue Ia He, she, him, her