Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online

Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu

Language Item Description
Niue Ia That, those (demonstrative referring to something already mentioned)
Niue Ifi Blow
Niue Ifi Tahitian chestnut, (Inocarpus edulis)
Niue Ika Fish (including sea mammals)
Niue Ike Mallet used for beating bark-cloth
Niue Ila Birthmark; stain, mark; to be spotted
Niue Hea To call
Niue Ha/hau, hau/hau Cool
Niue Hakega Descendant. Heir (Bib.)
Niue Haa( haa) [Be (in a place), take place]
Niue Iloa To know
Niue Faka/fitaa To help, to work
Niue Faka/ina/ to point out, to show off, show somebody something as a threat
Niue Igati/a Each. Each having a share (Tgr). Phonologically Irregular
Niue Inu Drink (n,v)
Niue Io Segment, piece
Niue I/ihi To split lengthwise (vt)
Niue Ihu Nose
Niue Fe/ita/aki Hate each other
Niue Ivi/tua Backbone Borrowed
Niue Laa Just, yet, here, there Phonologically Irregular
Niue Ni/niko, ni/nika To be dazzled Phonologically Irregular
Niue Ki hee Local noun: here, away
Niue Laa Sail
Niue Laua Third person dual possessive suffix
Niue Laaa Sun
Niue Laaagina To be burnt by the sun, to get sunburnt, to be wearied by the sun Phonologically Irregular
Niue Lee Forehead
Niue Lafa Ringworm
Niue Lafalafa Raft. Level, flat-topped (McE).
Niue Laga/ki To raise up, lift up
Niue Laga The biggest wave within a series Problematic
Niue La/laga Weave, plait (pandanus or coconut leaves, incl. making crayfish nets and arrowroot filters)
Niue Lagakali A tree (Aglaia samoensis), the flowers of which are used for scent
Niue Lagahou To scramble, to press on together
Niue Lagi Sky, heaven; to cloud over, to become overcast
Niue Loo/loo To splash
Niue Lagi To heat something over a fire; to smoke (food)
Niue Lagi/lagi To warm something or someone or oneself at a fire; to heat (e.g. coconut cream)
Niue Lago Fly (insect)
Niue Lago To defend, support
Niue Lai Fish sp. (Trachinotus baillonii)
Niue Laka Step (n); step over something or somebody, overstep (often implies a 'cautionary' or 'ill-advised' action); to mate [exx. of animals]. To step, to cross over (McE).
Niue Lakalaka Walk quickly (so as to avoid trouble)
Niue Akau Tree
Niue V/aku(v/aku) Scribble, scratch Phonologically Irregular
Niue Laku To mix; to touch, handle Problematic
Niue Lala(kai) Guava (Psidium guajava)
Niue Lala tea Plant sp. (Vitex trifolia)
Niue Laalaa Branches Problematic