Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online
Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu
Language | Item | Description |
Niue | Ao | Front, direction |
Niue | Ofa-nia | To love (Obs.) |
Niue | Faka/alofa | Greetings Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Efi | Enormous Problematic |
Niue | Amanaki | Be prepared, be ready; hope, look forward to |
Niue | Ami | Crab roe |
Niue | Amo | To touch one thing only (refers to one who concentrates all his care on one thing) |
Niue | A/amo | To touch |
Niue | H/amo | To apply lightly (e.g. paint) |
Niue | Amo/hia | Be touched; achieve the objective |
Niue | Amo/amohia | To be possessed |
Niue | Amu | Strip, string (traditionally refers to tiny strips of coconut husks, fou strings, hair, banana bark, and fibre strips or strings from other plants) |
Niue | Amu/amu | Revile, mock, abuse a person |
Niue | Ana | Cave, den |
Niue | Ne afiafi | Last evening |
Niue | Ne fee | When (past)? |
Niue | Ne afi | Yesterday |
Niue | Ne poo | Last night |
Niue | Ne pogipogi | This morning (past) |
Niue | Anu | To spit; spit (n) |
Niue | Ao/lagi | Cloud (extensive cloud cover) |
Niue | H/ao | To fit Problematic |
Niue | Ha/olo | To resound, to be harmonious Problematic |
Niue | Pogipogi | Tomorrow |
Niue | Aheu | A fish, large-size bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus) |
Niue | Ahi | Sandalwood tree (Santalum yasi); a grasslike plant with leaves up to three feet long |
Niue | A/ahi | To visit. visitor |
Niue | Aho | Day |
Niue | Ahu | Bail, ladle out, scoop out |
Niue | Ata | Shadow, reflection. To reflect (McE). |
Niue | Ate | Liver, (occasionally may refer to any organ) |
Niue | Ate loa | Spleen |
Niue | Ate pili | Spleen |
Niue | Ati | Narrative conjunction: and then |
Niue | Ti | Phrasal or narrative conjunction: and, and then, and so |
Niue | Ati | Penetrate, enter, break through |
Niue | Ati | To build (traditionally to collect stones and material for building a house |
Niue | Ato | To cover (mainly refers to covering a shelter with leaves, or to cover an area of land with leaves , usually for the purpose of a burn-off). To thatch (McE). |
Niue | Atu | Away from speaker towards hearer, towards a third person when neither speaker nor hearer involved; a comparative marker |
Niue | Atu | Line, row, group |
Niue | Atu | Give, pass |
Niue | Atu | To throw carelessly |
Niue | Atua | God. Spirit, ghost (obs.) (McE). |
Niue | Atule | Big-eye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus) |
Niue | Au | First person singular pronoun (Focus) |
Niue | A/au | Ocean wave; to be swift (of sea). A current (McE). |
Niue | A/au | To clear away. Clear away big branches when preparing a plantation (McE). |
Niue | Au | Howl (as a dog) |
Niue | Aua | Emphatic pre-verbal negation marker for second-person imperatives; do not, don't you dare |
Niue | Ua | Pre-verbal negation marker for second person imperatives; don't, do not |