Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online

Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu

Language Item Description
Niue Tulutaa To drip, to splash (implies the dripping sound). A drop of water (McE).
Niue Tugaane Brother of a woman, male cousin of a female Problematic
Niue Tu/golo To snore. To sleep (respectful) (McE).
Niue Tugi Light a fire, burn (v.t.)
Niue Tui To thread (e.g. objects on necklace); sew; pierce; wear; fold (arms or legs)
Niue Tui Chief (term used in addressing dignitaries; also affectionate term used by wife for husband)
Niue Tuitui Candlenut (Aleurites moluccana)
Niue Tuke/tuke Crippled; also of a crab that has lost its legs
Niue Tuke/ua Shoulder
Niue Tuki To knock, smash; to mash, pound, hammer
Niue Tuku To place, put
Niue Tuku To bury (of people)
Niue Tuuaga Position, rank; status,; standing place
Niue Faka/tulaki To end (of life, journey) (vt) Borrowed Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Ma/tulei To die. (Used only of chiefs) (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue (Teliga)tuli Deaf
Niue (Tu)tuli To hunt, chase. Drive, pursue, go after (McE).
Niue Tuli Knee or elbow Phonologically Irregular
Niue Tulu To drip (vi)
Niue Tuulotopoo Midnight Phonologically Irregular
Niue Tumaa Approximate counting units (refers to numbers 1 to 9 in units of 10 or greater; comparable to the English expressions "some twenty odd" , "some fifty odd" and so on; can be used to give the impression that the number is larger than the actual one
Niue Tuumau To be or have always; constant, permanent, regular
Niue Tumu Cavity or hollow (in rocks, trees, etc.) where water collects Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Tumuaki Top (of achievement); crown of head
Niue Tumuaki ulu Top of head
Niue Tuna A fresh water eel
Niue Tupu To grow, sprout; to descend from; to happen, to spring up
Niue Tupua Giant, legendary creature, monster, ogre; ancient god; idol; cactus plant
Niue Tupuna Ancestor
Niue Tuhi To point
Niue Tuutaki To join together (vt); to take after [resemble]; disciple (Bib.)
Niue Tutu To beat with a stick, to beat hiapo bark for cloth
Niue Tulana Pulpit Problematic
Niue Tuutuu. Tutuu (McE). Dolphin, porpoise
Niue Tuutuu Red-spotted crab (Carpilius maculatus)
Niue U/uu To bite, take a bite
Niue Ua Neck
Niue Ufi Yam
Niue U/ufi To cover; cover (n), lid
Niue Afii ulu Hat, head covering Phonologically Irregular
Niue Ufilei Wild yam (Dioscorea esculenta) and perhaps other yam species that grow wild
Niue Uga Coconut crab (Birgus latro)
Niue Ungakoo Mollusc sp. (with cylindrical shell, usually attached to rocks or flat reef, sometimes in spiral form...). A limpet (McE).
Niue Uha Rain; to rain
Niue Uhila Lightning
Niue Ui To call someone
Niue Uka To be difficult, tough; to become exhausted
Niue Uku To wash, oil (of hair). To anoint (McE).
Niue Uo Spiny lobster (Paribacus penicillatus) and some prawn spp.
Niue Ule Male genitals (vulgar, also used as insulting term of address)