Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online

Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu

Language Item Description
Niue Uli Black, dark coloured
Niue Ulu/umu A pole or stick used to spread the hot stones in the earth oven Problematic
Niue Ulu Head, hair (on head)
Niue Ulu Plantation, clump, grove; group (of things usually grouped together)
Niue Ulua Trevally spp. (Caranx ignobilis, C.sexfasciatus)
Niue Uluaki First-born child (of any gender)
Niue Uluga Pillow, headrest
Niue Ulupoko Skull
Niue Umiti To crave (for sea food)
Niue Umu Earth oven; oven-cooked food
Niue Una Turtle shell; comb
Niue H/inafi Fish scale, to scale a fish Phonologically Irregular
Niue Unoko To be bruised
Niue Unu, une To move something, to move (oneself) over
Niue Uhi Shrub sp. (Evodia hortensis)
Niue Uhi Dark-coloured. Purple (McE).
Niue Uho Core, centre, peak; precious
Niue Uhu To poke (getting fruit from tree); to persuade someone to do wrong; get someone into trouble; incite
Niue Uhu To sing, intone Problematic
Niue Uhu To throb, irritate, nag (of pain). A nagging pain; to ache (McE).
Niue Uhu To be early
Niue Uta Load (n); to take, carry
Niue Uta Inland, shore, ashore; east
Niue -mu(to)lu Second person plural possessive suffix Problematic
Niue Utu Pull up, harvest (tuber crops)
Niue Utu To fill (with liquid)
Niue Utu Fish spp., barracuda (Sphyraena spp.) and grey jobfish (Aprion virescens)
Niue Tuatua Flat area on the reef; land (at the back of the village) Phonologically Irregular
Niue Vaa To mock Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Vee Leg, foot (respectful term)
Niue Vahavaha To be spread out widely, to be spaced
Niue Vahega Class, part, division (of church); type, kind, species
Niue Vai Water; medicine; chemical compound
Niue Vaikeli Well
Niue Vai-puna A spring
Niue Vaka Canoe
Niue Vala Piece, particle, portion Problematic
Niue Vale Angry, wild, mad with somebody
Niue Vali To paint; smear, spread something onto a surface. Whitewash (McE).
Niue Aloalo A spreading shrub plant (Premna taitensis) (used for medicinal purposes, leaves rubbed on body to keep evil spirits away). Also (Premna corymbosa) (Ykr).
Niue Valu Eight
Niue Volu, vou, voku To scrape Phonologically Irregular
Niue Vana Sea urchin (Echinothrix sp.)
Niue Vanavana Spiny, prickly
Niue Vaga/hau To speak, talk; language Problematic
Niue Vao Bush, bush land (often used figuratively to refer to the 'uncivilised' and 'wild' areas of the land, as opposed to 'cultivated' and 'settled' land)
Niue Vaha Horizon, expanse of the ocean
Niue Vavae Kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra); cotton plant (Gossypium barbadense)
Niue Vave To hurry; be quick, fast
Niue Veka Banded Rail (Rallus philippensis)