Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online

Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu

Language Item Description
Niue Tipa/tipa To be out of shape
Niue Tipa Sway, be crooked, slant. Dance (used in old chants) (McE).
Niue Tipi Split, chop
Niue Tiputa To wear; a Mother Hubbard dress Borrowed
Niue Tihe To sneeze
Niue Titafa To be on a slant, not firmly fixed in position Problematic
Niue Too To plant, to grow (of crops)
Niue Too/kaga Suitable planting season
Niue Fakahuhu To breastfeed, to suckle
Niue Too To fall; to happen (to); set (of sun)...
Niue Hoo Second person singular possessive pronoun, preposed
Niue Faka/ta/too To burp Problematic
Niue Toa A tree, ironwood (Casuarina equisetifolia)
Niue Toa Warrior, hero; to be brave
Niue Toafa Coastal area before the cliffs
Niue Toe To be left over, remain
Niue Tofe A cockle shellfish (white fan-shaped cockle shell, edible)
Niue Toga South
Niue Tooga A Samoan fine mat. A samoan mat; blanket (McE). Problematic
Niue Toho To pull; to drag; to trawl (fishing)
Niue Toi (Alphitonia zizyphoides)
Niue Toka Bottom or bedrock of the sea
Niue Toka To leave; let it be; put something somewhere and leave it there. To leave off; remain; owe (McE).
Niue Tokaga To look after, care for
Niue Toke Sea eel (generic)...
Niue Tokelau North
Niue Toko- Human prefix attached to quantifiers and numbers
Niue Mohuu Hiccup
Niue Tole Woman's private part, female genitals
Niue Toli Climb Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Tolo/afi Make fire by friction
Niue Too Sugarcane>
Niue Tolu Three
Niue Tomo To sink, drown; to become bankrupt. To enter (Wms,McE).
Niue Toomui To be the very last, to be very late
Niue Tona Yaws
Niue Tono A weed (Centella asiatica)
Niue Tonu Proper, right, true, correct
Niue Toto (Euphorbia spp.)
Niue Totogi To pay; payment
Niue Tuu To stand
Niue Tuu/tuu Cut up, chop; sever (lit. and fig.)
Niue Tuu/tia Be cut
Niue Tua Back (n)
Niue Tua/tua Flat area on the reef
Niue Tua- Ordinal layer of something
Niue Tuai Old, ancient; stale (of food); (postverbal) marks perfect aspect: already, early
Niue Tufa To share out, distribute
Niue Tufuga Expert, talented or skilful person; to make expertly, be skilful in making
Niue Tuga Spotted, blemished, bruised (mainly of tapioca tubers)