Entries from Elbert 1975-81 in Pollex-Online

Elbert, S. H. (1975-81). Dictionary of the Language of Rennell and Bellona. Copenhagen, The National Museum of Denmark.

Language Item Description
Rennellese Nabe Be clever, skilful Problematic
Rennellese (ʔI)/nee Exclamation: Isn't it so? What do you think?
Rennellese Nehu Be poor-sighted, blurred
Rennellese Nei This, here, now
Rennellese Neeke/a Carried off, as by a wave
Rennellese Neeke/a Carried off, as by a wave
Rennellese Neneba Be senile
Rennellese Nebe Carry strapped to the back
Rennellese Ni Some (paucal)
Rennellese Niho Tooth
Rennellese Nimo Forget, vanish
Rennellese Niti Tight, crowded, tightly fastened
Rennellese Niu Coconut palm
Rennellese Noa Be without taboo or sanctity
Rennellese Noʔa Tie, bind
Rennellese Noho Stay, live, sit, exist; to be left
Rennellese Nohu A poisonous fish
Rennellese Noko Backsides
Rennellese Noko Past tense marker; continuative aspect marker
Rennellese No(noo), noogia Request (formerly of the gods), usually food or other gifts; person so requesting it
Rennellese Nono Kind of small fly as on rotten bananas
Rennellese Nou Nod the head
Rennellese Nui Near Problematic
Rennellese Nuku Earth, land
Rennellese Numi/numi Wrinkle, crease, squeeze, crush
Rennellese O Resultative conjunction. Resulting, and then, in order to
Rennellese ʔOo Yes
Rennellese B/oo/ Go, come, come and get, leave Borrowed
Rennellese Oʔo To be crowded
Rennellese ʔOha Destroy
Rennellese ʔOso Rations for workers, or for a seatrip
Rennellese Oʔi Shake or move a little, nudge
Rennellese Okioki Rest
Rennellese Oko To have reached old age
Rennellese Oga Restore to health
Rennellese Oga Bush with hard wood
Rennellese ʔOga To insert, as a house between others, a wedge, etc.; prod; intrude...
Rennellese Ogiogi Words of worship; to worship, comfort (a child)
Rennellese Ogo Coo, with a high trill, as the pacific pigeon
Rennellese Ogo Mountain, slope, bush, settlement
Rennellese Oma Beckon, as with downward hand motion; flap slowly, as wings Problematic
Rennellese ʔOne Sand, sand or rubble beach
Rennellese Ope Be washed, moved (as by waves)
Rennellese ʔOso-hia Touch, take hold of, reach for, grab; to kill
Rennellese ʔOta/mata Eat raw, as tridacna, fish, or birds
Rennellese ʔOta Residue of expressed grated coconut or turmeric
Rennellese Ota The introduced ivory nut
Rennellese ʔOti Be finished, completed
Rennellese ʔOti To constitute or include everything, all (o__)
Rennellese Paa Slap; clap with flat hands...