Entries from Weber & Weber 1995 in Pollex-Online
Weber, Robert L. & Nancy L.Weber (1995). Rapanui, in Darrell T.Tryon (ed), Comparative Austronesian Dictionary. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.
Language | Item | Description |
Easter Island | Moraa | Duck Borrowed |
Easter Island | Haka-pupa | Nest Problematic |
Easter Island | Maŋoo | Shark (sp.) |
Easter Island | Veri-ʔarahu | Scorpion |
Easter Island | Ro/e | Ant |
Easter Island | Kupeŋa honu | Spider web |
Easter Island | Kiri | Skin, hide; leather; bark (kiri miro) |
Easter Island | Puʔoko | Head; hair of head |
Easter Island | Rauʔoho puʔoko | Single hair (of head) Problematic |
Easter Island | Hu/huru puʔoko | The mass of head hair |
Easter Island | Vere ʔariŋa | Beard |
Easter Island | Hu/huru taŋata | Body hair |
Easter Island | Vere puku | Pubic hair |
Easter Island | Ivi tika | Spine Problematic |
Easter Island | Ivi tika | Spine |
Easter Island | Kauvaha | Jaw of dead horse, used as percussion instrument Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Paʔeŋa ʔariŋa | Cheek Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Puu ihu | Nostril |
Easter Island | ʔAkau | Gums Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Niho tumu | Molar tooth |
Easter Island | Niho tahito | Molar tooth |
Easter Island | Kapuhiva | Shoulder (archaic) |
Easter Island | Pararaha kekeʔu | Shoulder blade |
Easter Island | Rei | Collarbone (archaic) |
Easter Island | Puku-puku rima | Wrist bone Problematic |
Easter Island | Ko/muʔa o te rima | Palm of hand |
Easter Island | Maŋa-maŋa tumu | Thumb |
Easter Island | Rima matuʔa nea-nea | Thumb (archaic) |
Easter Island | Puku-puku vaʔe | Ankle bone Problematic |
Easter Island | Karaa | Wing Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Hu(ru)-huru | Feather |
Easter Island | Hatu/nono | Breast, udder (when full or firm with milk) Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | (Mata) uu | Nipple, teat |
Easter Island | Ma/hatu | Heart Problematic |
Easter Island | Inaŋa | Heart (archaic) Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Haratuʔa pena | Waist ("belt-tying place") Problematic |
Easter Island | Mari/pau | Testicle |
Easter Island | ʔUre | Penis |
Easter Island | Haŋu-haŋu | Breathe, breath |
Easter Island | Kere/reki | Hiccough Problematic |
Easter Island | Tuŋu-tuŋu | False cough (to demonstrate pride or contentment, or to announce one's presence) |
Easter Island | Paʔa/hia | Perspire Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | ʔA/ʔanu | To spit (saliva or mucus) |
Easter Island | Haka/rua/rua | To spit (food or some other un-pleasant thing, e.g. stomach acid etc.) |
Easter Island | Amo-amo | Lick Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Turu-turu | Dribble; drip |
Easter Island | ŋo-ŋoro | Snore |
Easter Island | Moe varua | Dream |
Easter Island | Mahera | Have sexual intercourse |
Easter Island | Nene | Shiver, tremble (from cold) Problematic |