Entries from Weber & Weber 1995 in Pollex-Online

Weber, Robert L. & Nancy L.Weber (1995). Rapanui, in Darrell T.Tryon (ed), Comparative Austronesian Dictionary. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.

Language Item Description
Easter Island ʔAvahi Split Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Ihi Tear (intentionally) (vt)
Easter Island Tau/romi Rub, massage (the body)
Easter Island Tau/aki Drape over (a wire, chair back, etc.)
Easter Island Haka/pa/riŋi Pour (emptying completely a container of liquid or dry goods)
Easter Island Haka puu Bore (v)
Easter Island Haka pi/piri Glue (vt)
Easter Island ʔAurii Iron Borrowed
Easter Island ŋaeʔi Move (from one place to another) Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Haka taviri Turn over (round objects)
Easter Island Haka teka Turn around (an object so that its opposite side is facing)
Easter Island Rori Turn around (change of direction) Problematic
Easter Island Haka hihi Twist, wring (e.g. clothes, one's arm, etc.)
Easter Island ʔA/ʔaru Catch (ball); seize, grasp; capture; rape. Coger con la mano, agarrar, asir (Fts). Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Rovaʔa Capture, grab; find Borrowed
Easter Island Hiho Flow Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island Rere hai puʔoko Dive
Easter Island ʔUtu/ʔutu te vai Splash
Easter Island Hoa-hoa te vai Splash
Easter Island Re/rere te vai Splash
Easter Island Tu/turi Kneel
Easter Island Raha Bend, duck down (so as not to bump head, as e.g. to go thorugh a low doorway, under a tree, into a cave)
Easter Island Hoa hai vaʔe Kick
Easter Island Oho Go; go away, depart. Go away, leave, get away, walk (Fts).
Easter Island Hi/hiri Climb, scale (e.g. a growing vine, a person climbing a cliff, etc.)
Easter Island Tere Flee
Easter Island Haka tika Follow Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island Haka maʔu Send
Easter Island Haka uŋa Lead
Easter Island Vaka poepoe Outriggerless canoe Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Kahu vaka Sail
Easter Island Ravaʔa Get, obtain
Easter Island ʔAv/ai, vaʔai Give Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Haka hoki Give back
Easter Island Haka/marere Destroy
Easter Island Huaʔi Destroy, mess up Problematic
Easter Island Otare Beggar Borrowed
Easter Island ʔOhumu Avaricious, stingy Problematic
Easter Island ʔIno Avaricious, stingy Borrowed
Easter Island ʔAuhau, ʔouhou Pay (v) Borrowed
Easter Island Tapa Count, consider, reckon, determine; account, reckoning
Easter Island Haka tano-tano Share (distribute), divide Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island Tuha/ʔa Distribute Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Muri Proximity
Easter Island A By, through. Préposition qui indique le lieu de passage, de traversée (Lch).
Easter Island Nai Here at (preposition)
Easter Island ʔI muri Beside
Easter Island ʔI raro Down, below; under
Easter Island ʔI muʔa Before
Easter Island ʔI roto Inside, in