Entries from Lieber & Dikepa 1974 in Pollex-Online

Lieber, M. D. and K. H. Dikepa (1974). Kapingamarangi Lexicon. Honolulu, University Press of Hawaii.

Language Item Description
Kapingamarangi Mila Whirling (of water)
Kapingamarangi Mimi Urinate
Kapingamarangi Midi Dream
Kapingamarangi Mo And, with; from
Kapingamarangi Moo/moo The jagged piece of the canoe added at the bow and stern
Kapingamarangi Moo Ancient ceremony involving sexual play within the group
Kapingamarangi Dagi/moo Labia majora
Kapingamarangi Moanga Goatfish
Kapingamarangi Moana Deep ocean
Kapingamarangi Moe aa Sleep late to daybreak, oversleep Problematic
Kapingamarangi Moe To lie, lying, be prone
Kapingamarangi Moenge Beclothes; sleeping area
Kapingamarangi Momo Few
Kapingamarangi Moikaka Single smooth thread of coconut husk
Kapingamarangi Mogo Lizard
Kapingamarangi Mogobuna Magic, power (spiritual) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Kapingamarangi Momi Taste to test
Kapingamarangi Mmoe Sexual relations
Kapingamarangi Momono Delicious, of fish, flesh, fowl
Kapingamarangi Mono/wai Water catchment, river, well Problematic
Kapingamarangi Moeho Starling (Aplonis opacus)
Kapingamarangi Modu Ended; separated (e.g. a string)
Kapingamarangi Muu Fish sp, porgy
Kapingamarangi Mua Before
Kapingamarangi M/mui To congregate
Kapingamarangi Muga/muga Soft part near stem of young coconut
Kapingamarangi Muli Behind, after
Kapingamarangi Muli Rear
Kapingamarangi Muli wae Heel
Kapingamarangi Mmulu Massage
Kapingamarangi Muna Vertical movement of mouth (as in opening and closing)
Kapingamarangi Haga/neene To entice Problematic
Kapingamarangi Naa Put up in a high place
Kapingamarangi Ginaua Third person dual independent pronoun
Kapingamarangi L/lamu To smell of Phonologically Irregular
Kapingamarangi Nebe To tuck in (sarong, string etc)
Kapingamarangi Nadu Shake someone back and forth, be rocked, as on a ship in rough water
Kapingamarangi Nau (Scaevola frutescens). (Scaevola taccada) (Emy).
Kapingamarangi Ginaadou Third person plural independent pronoun
Kapingamarangi Ne Past and completed action
Kapingamarangi Nehu Blurred
Kapingamarangi Nei Here, near speaker
Kapingamarangi Naa There (near the hearer)
Kapingamarangi Nege Move, shift
Kapingamarangi Ma/nee To desire physically a member of opposite sex, sexual desire Phonologically Irregular
Kapingamarangi Niha Tooth
Kapingamarangi Nini Pregnant Uncertain Semantic Connection
Kapingamarangi Niu Coconut tree
Kapingamarangi Nnoo-dia To tie up
Kapingamarangi Noho Sit, dwell