Entries from Pukui & Elbert 1986 in Pollex-Online

Pukui, M. K. and S. H. Elbert (1986). Hawaiian Dictionary. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.

Language Item Description
Hawaiian Inoa Name
Hawaiian Iwa Nine
Hawaiian Oʔa House rafter
Hawaiian Olo Grate, rub back and forth
Hawaiian Hoolapa Boil, rise up (as a blister); spread or blaze (as a fire, volcanic eruption. (Said to derive from %ho`olapa|) Borrowed
Hawaiian Uu Breast, teat, udder
Hawaiian Hune Poor, destitute, a poor person Problematic
Hawaiian Uli Shellfish sp Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian Huuwai A shellfish
Hawaiian ʔAha Sennit
Hawaiian ʔAha/ʔaha Stand in an overbearing manner
Hawaiian ʔAha Fish of Bellonidae family
Hawaiian ʔAahaʔi Carry off, chase, rout
Hawaiian ʔOohiʔa ʔai (Syzygium malaccensis)
Hawaiian ʔOohiʔa lehua Metrosideros spp
Hawaiian ʔAhu Covering, clothing
Hawaiian ʔAahui Bunch or cluster (e.g. of bananas); whole pandanus fruit
Hawaiian ʔAahulu/hulu Young of kûmû fish (Upeneus porphyreus)
Hawaiian ʔAnaa/ʔanaa Black-magic, evil sorcery; to practice this
Hawaiian ʔAanaʔanea Idiotic, foolish, as one under the spell of sorcery
Hawaiian ʔAa Fiery, burning; fire: to burn, blaze
Hawaiian ʔAʔai Eating, spreading, increasing, as a sore
Hawaiian ʔAi Points scored in a game
Hawaiian ʔAaina Land, earth
Hawaiian Aia There, there it is, there are
Hawaiian ʔAihue Steal, rob; thief
Hawaiian Mawehe Open, loose, separate, undone
Hawaiian ʔAikola Expression of satisfaction, usually at misfortune of others
Hawaiian ʔAʔa Fibre from coconut husk
Hawaiian ʔAʔa Bag, pocket, caul...chaff, hull; skin covering eyeballs
Hawaiian ʔAaʔaa Male `oo`oo bird, (Acrulocercus spp.)
Hawaiian ʔAʔahu Clothing in general; put on clothing
Hawaiian ʔAʔaa Glowing; staring (as eyes); type of lava
Hawaiian ʔAʔala Fragrant, sweet-smelling
Hawaiian ʔEleluu Cockroaches (Blattidae)
Hawaiian ʔAʔe Step over
Hawaiian ʔAaʔii Neck
Hawaiian ʔAla/ʔala Aerial tubers of bitter yam (D. bulbifera) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian ʔAlaa Volcanic stone
Hawaiian ʔAlae Mudhen, (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis)
Hawaiian ʔAlae/kea Coot
Hawaiian ʔAlaea Water-soluble, colloidal ocherous earth; any red colouring matter
Hawaiian ʔAalaʔa (Planchonella sandwicensis)
Hawaiian ʔAlalaa Style of chanting with open mouth, vibration and tremor of the voice, and prolonged vowels; to gargle Problematic
Hawaiian ʔAlaamea Hard, volcanic stone used for adzes
Hawaiian ʔAlamihi A common black crab (Metopograpsus messor)
Hawaiian ʔAle Wave, crest of a wave, billow; to ripple, form waves, stir
Hawaiian ʔOlee Conch shell (Charonia tritonis)
Hawaiian ʔAlele Messenger
Hawaiian ʔElele Messenger