Entries from Pukui & Elbert 1986 in Pollex-Online
Pukui, M. K. and S. H. Elbert (1986). Hawaiian Dictionary. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Language | Item | Description |
Hawaiian | Inoa | Name |
Hawaiian | Iwa | Nine |
Hawaiian | Oʔa | House rafter |
Hawaiian | Olo | Grate, rub back and forth |
Hawaiian | Hoolapa | Boil, rise up (as a blister); spread or blaze (as a fire, volcanic eruption. (Said to derive from %ho`olapa|) Borrowed |
Hawaiian | Uu | Breast, teat, udder |
Hawaiian | Hune | Poor, destitute, a poor person Problematic |
Hawaiian | Uli | Shellfish sp Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Hawaiian | Huuwai | A shellfish |
Hawaiian | ʔAha | Sennit |
Hawaiian | ʔAha/ʔaha | Stand in an overbearing manner |
Hawaiian | ʔAha | Fish of Bellonidae family |
Hawaiian | ʔAahaʔi | Carry off, chase, rout |
Hawaiian | ʔOohiʔa ʔai | (Syzygium malaccensis) |
Hawaiian | ʔOohiʔa lehua | Metrosideros spp |
Hawaiian | ʔAhu | Covering, clothing |
Hawaiian | ʔAahui | Bunch or cluster (e.g. of bananas); whole pandanus fruit |
Hawaiian | ʔAahulu/hulu | Young of kûmû fish (Upeneus porphyreus) |
Hawaiian | ʔAnaa/ʔanaa | Black-magic, evil sorcery; to practice this |
Hawaiian | ʔAanaʔanea | Idiotic, foolish, as one under the spell of sorcery |
Hawaiian | ʔAa | Fiery, burning; fire: to burn, blaze |
Hawaiian | ʔAʔai | Eating, spreading, increasing, as a sore |
Hawaiian | ʔAi | Points scored in a game |
Hawaiian | ʔAaina | Land, earth |
Hawaiian | Aia | There, there it is, there are |
Hawaiian | ʔAihue | Steal, rob; thief |
Hawaiian | Mawehe | Open, loose, separate, undone |
Hawaiian | ʔAikola | Expression of satisfaction, usually at misfortune of others |
Hawaiian | ʔAʔa | Fibre from coconut husk |
Hawaiian | ʔAʔa | Bag, pocket, caul...chaff, hull; skin covering eyeballs |
Hawaiian | ʔAaʔaa | Male `oo`oo bird, (Acrulocercus spp.) |
Hawaiian | ʔAʔahu | Clothing in general; put on clothing |
Hawaiian | ʔAʔaa | Glowing; staring (as eyes); type of lava |
Hawaiian | ʔAʔala | Fragrant, sweet-smelling |
Hawaiian | ʔEleluu | Cockroaches (Blattidae) |
Hawaiian | ʔAʔe | Step over |
Hawaiian | ʔAaʔii | Neck |
Hawaiian | ʔAla/ʔala | Aerial tubers of bitter yam (D. bulbifera) Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Hawaiian | ʔAlaa | Volcanic stone |
Hawaiian | ʔAlae | Mudhen, (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis) |
Hawaiian | ʔAlae/kea | Coot |
Hawaiian | ʔAlaea | Water-soluble, colloidal ocherous earth; any red colouring matter |
Hawaiian | ʔAalaʔa | (Planchonella sandwicensis) |
Hawaiian | ʔAlalaa | Style of chanting with open mouth, vibration and tremor of the voice, and prolonged vowels; to gargle Problematic |
Hawaiian | ʔAlaamea | Hard, volcanic stone used for adzes |
Hawaiian | ʔAlamihi | A common black crab (Metopograpsus messor) |
Hawaiian | ʔAle | Wave, crest of a wave, billow; to ripple, form waves, stir |
Hawaiian | ʔOlee | Conch shell (Charonia tritonis) |
Hawaiian | ʔAlele | Messenger |
Hawaiian | ʔElele | Messenger |