Entries from Simona 1986 in Pollex-Online

Simona, R. e. a. (1986). Tokelau Dictionary. Apia, Western Samoa, Office of Tokelau Affairs.

Language Item Description
Tokelau Hika Make a fire by rubbing the kaunatu or pointed stick to and fro on the hikaaga or piece of dry soft wood
Tokelau Hikuleo Voice, echo, accent, tone
Tokelau Hikumata Corner of one's eye
Tokelau Hilo Spiral valve of the small intestine in sharks and various other fish
Tokelau Hoka Poke, stab; husk (coconuts)
Tokelau Hoke Pompano or Swallow Tail (Trachinotus bailloni)
Tokelau Hou (of sea) Rough
Tokelau Huke Try, question, inspect, examine
Tokelau Hu/huke Open, uncover, lift the covering up, reveal
Tokelau Hu/huki Thrust (something into something)
Tokelau Hu/hulu Insert, put in
Tokelau Hulu Wear around the waist, tucking in one of the top corner ends; insert, slide in, tuck in; wrap-around garment, sarong
Tokelau Hulu Fall headlong, trip over, fall flat on one's face
Tokelau Umu/fatu, umu/tea Different colour phases of Dark Yellowhead Triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens) Phonologically Irregular
Tokelau Tafatoo A steep ridge (such as those found just off the reef); to be very steep, sheer
Tokelau Tagaamimi Bladder
Tokelau Taainamu Mosquito-net
Tokelau Takaa Wire trace for fishing; put wire trace on a hook
Tokelau Taakaga Walk, stroll; group of people who roam together, gang
Tokelau Ta(a)kai Roll up, wind up, coil (mat, paper, thread, etc.); roll or ball of something
Tokelau Ta(k)amilo Go round; circle around, go around; (of speech) indirect, slow in coming to the point
Tokelau Takapau Floor-mat woven from coconut leaves
Tokelau Takavili(vili) Too loose, not tight fitting (of a hole, or something that fits in a hole)
Tokelau Takele Bottom (of the sea)
Tokelau Taki Lead, guide; trail something by following its tracks
Tokelau Taki- Numeral prefix with distributive meaning: each, so many at one time
Tokelau Takoto Lie; be operated on
Tokelau Takupu Mature Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Tokelau (Tala)talai Chip, adze, cut; make something out of wood by hewing and chipping with an adze
Tokelau Taalaki Tell the people one by one of an authorized instruction or request; preach, teach
Tokelau Tali Await (in special context of keeping watch for schools of fish...)
Tokelau Tali Fend, block off (blow, strike etc.); offer resistance (to a statement, by answering back)
Tokelau Tama Child of both parents (i.e. father and mother who produced him); child of a woman (i.e. son or daughter); boy(s)
Tokelau Taane Male, man; husband
Tokelau Taanoa Wooden foood bowl
Tokelau Tanu Bury; (met.) forgive, forget
Tokelau Tao Spear (n)
Tokelau Tao Roast in an oven, bake
Tokelau Tao/mia Be caught under something
Tokelau Ta/tao Hold something down with weight, press, push down
Tokelau Tapa Call to someone, call for something; roll-call, the calling of names to ascertain attendance
Tokelau Taapola A carrier woven from a coconut frond, used in carrying pandanus leaves
Tokelau Tapui (of land, fruit, etc.) Be placed under a taboo or a prohibition...
Tokelau Tapuvae Ankle; trotter(s) of a pig
Tokelau Tatao Follow, repeat
Tokelau Tatau Tattoo (n)
Tokelau Tatau Be fitting, proper, necessary; must, etc.
Tokelau Tau/tau Hang up, be hanging
Tokelau Tau Count
Tokelau Tau Land, arrive; hit (a target); anchor, moor; (of a school of fish) become stationary or settle down in one place